What guts does it take to pull this off?


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Castle Rock, CO
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Everything Offends Me

But with only one record left on its Warner Music Group contract, the Ulrich says Metallica could be planning a digital release along the lines of what Radiohead and Nine Inch Nails have done, as ironic as that might seem.

After turning in thousands and thousands of their own fans for sharing their work across the internet during a time when piracy was not yet even a concern, they're going to try to turn and embrace the very same group that they ostracized?

Get bent, Metallica.
Where's the icon for disgust and loathing. "Get bent" is too kind for these clowns.
Quote of the week

they did come off as whiny cry babies over this issue. The music industry as a whole has pretty much lost all of the fans respect. I hardly ever buy major label CDs or songs anymore.

We just got a notice from an also-ran video service that our 15 minute video was being removed because the 10 seconds of song we have on it was "detected" as a copyright violation Lord knows our fair use was absolutely killing their sales. Idjits.

The music industry really has a death wish.