What date the FAA is working on


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Castle Rock, CO
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Everything Offends Me
I remember a link a while ago that showed what date the FAA was working on for licenses. I searched all over the FAA site, but didn't see it.

Anyone have that link?
I looked there, and I still don't see it, maybe I'm going blind...
Nick, this date doesn't move if you watch it (like the pot that won't boil...). Trust me. Last week, it went from Feb. 25 to March 5th. Then, Mon. morning, it was back to the 25th (for a day). It's at March 10th right now (my date was March 29). Looking forward to that little holligraphic card....
[insert spooky background music here]

It was all a dream, Nick. In reality, you're only at 5 hours. Who would give a five hour student a PPL??

OH - lol, its at the top of that page. Argh, I am going blind!

Brian Austin said:
It was all a dream, Nick. In reality, you're only at 5 hours. Who would give a five hour student a PPL??


Dude - that's not a dream, that's a freaking nightmare!!!
NickDBrennan said:
OH - lol, its at the top of that page. Argh, I am going blind!

Dude - that's not a dream, that's a freaking nightmare!!!

Your Mom told you you'd go blind if you kept doing it. Give up flying now while you can still see!
Mine was March 11, it should be here anytime.
Nick, any word yet? I see Rudy got his (posted on the 9th). His date was March 11.

As of late Friday, they bumped the date from March 15th to March 25th. My ride was on the 29th, so I'm guessing I'll receive it the week after next....
(double checks mailbox, just to be sure..... :no: ).
I don't remember what day I got my PPL...when I get home, I'll have to check the date (and the mailbox)
Mine took just about exactly 2 months - 10/29 to 12/29.

The really cool part is that I took my Dad flying for the first time that day. We got home, and there's a letter from the FAA in the mailbox ...