What Clark Looks Like

There are Clarks and there are Clarks. I am not a Clark in the Clark sense of this post.
Hey Clark, I like Clark's shoes. Nice job Clark.
holy @#$%! Te* made a funny!
Funny thing is that I can imagine this scenario.

I've met Ted's kids and Clark. Oh my...
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Of course not. They found you in the park, in the dark.
I have been to a park but it was not dark. There were larks and other things which might have been snarks. There were no sharks.
Given all that I think perhaps it was not in a park. It might have been a lark on their part.
I have been to a park but it was not dark. There were larks and other things which might have been snarks. There were no sharks.
Given all that I think perhaps it was not in a park. It might have been a lark on their part.
Guessing you should leave the children's rhymes to Dr. Seuss...
holy @#$%! Te* made a funny!

Despite popular belief, I do not lack a sense of humor. I just have a very bad sense of humor.
Was it a park? was it on a lark? I'm thinking there was no spark...

What? No spark in the park?
It was not a lark.
We must find Clark in the park,
We must go home
Before it gets dark.
Where in the park
Is Clark??
What? No spark in the park?
It was not a lark.
We must find Clark in the park,
We must go home
Before it gets dark.
Where in the park
Is Clark??
Clark is waiting for yer azz with an AK-47. Good luck.
Clark is waiting for yer azz with an AK-47. Good luck.

Hark! I hear Clark!
Bang-bang! Pop! Pop! Pop!
Lights flashing in the dark.
Yell and scream!
Run and hide!
Clark is in the park,
In the park in the dark.

I want to go home,
Away from him,
So I can grow up.
Do not fall in the dark in the park.
I must run away,
Run away from angry Clark.

<I'm not a poet, and now you know it. Children's rhymes are harder than they sound when you read them, and mixing in AKs makes them harder . . . . >
Hark! I hear Clark!
Bang-bang! Pop! Pop! Pop!
Lights flashing in the dark.
Yell and scream!
Run and hide!
Clark is in the park,
In the park in the dark.

I want to go home,
Away from him,
So I can grow up.
Do not fall in the dark in the park.
I must run away,
Run away from angry Clark.

<I'm not a poet, and now you know it. Children's rhymes are harder than they sound when you read them, and mixing in AKs makes them harder . . . . >
Clark waiting for yer azz with a 1911 is ever scarier since he is closer...

edit: One local shop said they really couldn't improve the trigger on the 1991. I installed the trigger...
Was it a park? was it on a lark? I'm thinking there was no spark...

If you consider Gastons a park...

So now for another Seussical:

In our household things go bad
We have a lot of things go bad
And that is why we have a dad
Our dad can fix bad very good
Have you a dad for bad? You should
There are Clarks and there are Clarks. I am not a Clark in the Clark sense of this post.

Actually I thought this was the Clark everyone is talking about....

Well I have to say, Clark is more handsome than I imagined him to be.
I knew it!
I knew it in the car,
I knew at the bar!
I knew it the kitchen.
Even when I was b*tchin'...

Oh wait, I'm always doing that.

Anyway, you're neck is weird. Grow a beard.