Final Approach
I've been pondering this lately and wondered what your thoughts are? What does the expression even mean..."building character"? How do you "build character" anyway?
I, too, don't think you "build" it as in a "construction", but I do think it builds up, as in an accretion, layer by layer.I've been pondering this lately and wondered what your thoughts are? What does the expression even mean..."building character"? How do you "build character" anyway?
Thanks! I was very pleased to have remembered it!Accretion is a good word for it.
How funny! Yes it kinda is.Diana - this "building character" thread isn't related in any way to that "exercise music" thread, is it?
I think the word you may be looking for is "self-confidence" rather than "character". You already have plenty of character, Diana.I thought about the concept of what builds character quite a bit on my trip.
Regular beatings.
Thank you Mari.I think the word you may be looking for is "self-confidence" rather than "character". You already have plenty of character, Diana.
This is similar to what I was thinking, but I wasn't able to put it into words as well as you did.Hardship is an opportunity to build character. It doesn't build character, though. That's where the accretion of character mentioned above can go to work. If we're spoiled all our lives and never have any hardships, our opportunities for character building are extremely limited.
Basically, it's making lemonade out of lemons. If life hands you lemons and you whine that they're sour, you squandered your opportunity for character building.
It's fun and interesting going along with you, Diana.Actually, I suffer from a chronic lack of self-confidence, but surround myself with people who tell me "You can do it!" and then I take them along with me. Like when you all went with me on my trip, and to the contest.
How do you "build character" anyway?
If you get knocked down, get up.
If you see someone get knocked down, help them up.
Shake hands after a disagreement.
Say something nice to someone who can use it.
Give up your seat on a crowded bus to someone who needs it more.
Help someone with their luggage, or hold the door for them without them having to ask.
Be happy and proud of yourself because you are who you are, not because you think you are better than someone else.
Pay a complete stranger's toll on the highway.
If someone's hungry, buy them a sandwich. Remember that there but for the grace...
Speak your mind, and encourage others to do the same, and don't get upset when they do.
If you start it, finish it.
Do what you say you'll do.
Say please and thank you, even if you don't have to.
Tip generously when it's deserved.
Tell the truth.
Hardship is an opportunity to build character. It doesn't build character, though. That's where the accretion of character mentioned above can go to work. If we're spoiled all our lives and never have any hardships, our opportunities for character building are extremely limited.
Basically, it's making lemonade out of lemons. If life hands you lemons and you whine that they're sour, you squandered your opportunity for character building.