Went Flying Today...


Cleared for Takeoff
Nov 13, 2012
Boulder, CO
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Like too many of us, I don't fly enough. Today, I made my first flight in four months. Not sure when I'll fly again.

But today was... perfect.
About 25F, 30 mi visibility, broken clouds at 12,000, zero wind (picked up to 5 knots quartering tailwind - they swapped runway directions as we were taxiing in), etc. Lovely and perfect.

I fly in Colorado. Our travails with high density altitude, winds, and mountain flying are made up for with views like this.

This is flying north from KBJC (Rocky Mountain Metro, nee Jeffco) in a 172P, about 7,000 MSL, looking west towards the Rocky Mountains. Beautiful. 1.1 hours with a great instructor who truly loves flying, and it's part of my BFR.

This is one of the reasons we enjoy flying.
Happy New Year. Here's hoping this is one of many great experiences for all of us.


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Great pirep.

How was your flying after not being in the airplane for a while?
Beautiful! Stark and cold, but gorgeous.

Usually, if I don't fly a couple of times a week, I start getting grumpy. By the second week, I'm kicking the dog, and generally no fun to be around.

Lately, we've had such a run of horrible weather on the gulf coast that flying has been pretty much out of the question for most of the last month. We were able to sneak away last Monday, to meet a friend (and his new Mooney) for lunch), but that's been about it. Luckily, the holidays have kept us too busy, anyway.

But four months? Going four months stuck to the ground would be horrible.
I agree Jay. I need to fly at least once a week to maintain what I consider sanity.
Nice picture,glad you had a good day,hope you get up again before your next BFR?
Beautiful country.

I try to fire up the wagon once a week even if I just scud run around the pattern which is all we've been able to do for almost a month now.

Gulf air + North front = scud, ice, rain, ... bleh .... me no IFR or FIKI :nonod:
Thanks for the feedback! Ideally, I'd fly twice per month or more.

I 'bench fly" a lot, including via this forum, so thanks to everyone for the variety of interesting commentary.

RalphinCA - it was interesting! Had been flying a DA-20 from a different airport and now a Cessna 172P (new model to me). I reviewed charts, frequencies, airspace, and preflight info. Glad I did!

Took three minutes to remember how the under-engine fuel drain works! Didn't turn the transponder on all the way (thank you, nice ATC people, for the reminder). Those were the "errors." Flew by the numbers well, but the motions lacked fluidity. Felt really nice, though!
I've been told the number of drains was a result of company lawyer demands when Cessna restarted manufacture of single engine airplanes.

There sure is a lot of lore about that.

I find it exceptionally hard to believe, as adding unnecessary parts means more problems in assembly, more supply chain problems, and more things to break.

More likely, it's just tank geometry. They are also larger thanks fitting into the same space as in N models.
I don't know where the drains are in this instance, but I have seen a video demonstration where someone has cut open tanks on a C152 and poured colored fluid in and you can see where all of the water/contamination doesn't drain cry good, if at all. So all of these drains might have some basis for reality. Yes I know we are referring to a new c172 but fundamentally same thing.
Mark's correct - I've seen the same video.
That said, it's beyond tragically sad if the engineers at Cessna stepped back and said "Yes, here it is. Thirteen drains. This is the best we can do."

Getting this thread back on track (since I started it!): No flying today since it'll soon be snowing. Going to an FAA Wings seminar on spin training!
Viva General Aviation!
I don't know where the drains are in this instance, but I have seen a video demonstration where someone has cut open tanks on a C152 and poured colored fluid in and you can see where all of the water/contamination doesn't drain cry good, if at all. So all of these drains might have some basis for reality. Yes I know we are referring to a new c172 but fundamentally same thing.

Mark's correct - I've seen the same video.
That said, it's beyond tragically sad if the engineers at Cessna stepped back and said "Yes, here it is. Thirteen drains. This is the best we can do."

Getting this thread back on track (since I started it!): No flying today since it'll soon be snowing. Going to an FAA Wings seminar on spin training!
Viva General Aviation!

If I cannot fly, I do online seminars for WiNGS credits. In general though, between the warrior and the helicopter training, I got 65 hours last year. There was 6 months without the warrior in 2013 and a month in 2014 so I think I did okay.
First flight in 2014 with the warrior was with a CFI and a new engine. Like riding a bike. a little behind I think, but it all came back quickly. As someone said today, referring to himself, "I am very mechanically inclined. Checklists and procedures become rote." And I understand that. Muscle memory. Train like you fight, fight like you train.
I am never intimidated when flying with either a cfi or a more experienced pilot. Know your limitations, your personal minimums, and do not feel less a pilot if you take a cfi as a safety pilot. I would rather have a skilled and capable pilot in the seat next to me if I am a little out of shape than not. Even if it is for a quick checkout to prove you can still land a plane. There's no loss of pilotmanhood in grabbing a cfi for a quick checkout. Remember, most fbos require a checkout after 60 or 90 days, not to mention the insurance issues.