We Need A Mission..........


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jun 15, 2008
Husker Nation, NE
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While I was attending a great little airshow at Spencer, IA yesterday I ran into a bunch of Brits who were promoting their flight / cause. There are 4 of these chaps that are going to attempt to set a world's record for landing in all 48 states in record time to raise awareness for diabetes. These guys were pumped! Every section of the lower 48 spread out over several tables, flight planning alternate routes, making calls, ect.


This got me to thinking I (I know, that can be dangerous) ....without goals what are we doing? Burning holes in the sky? Wearing the traffic pattern out? Seeing how many bugs per hour we can kill with our planes? This is a quick way to loose interest in flying, it's way to expensive to just to burn fuel. The $150 burger is getting old. We need a MISSION!

I am as guilty as the next guy, but we need to have an aviation goal! A project, A purpose...... A MISSION!

Start with small ones, then keep your eye on the next one.

What is your MISSION for this summer? Land at all the airports in your state? Learn to do acro? Tail wheel endorsement? IFR ticket? Finish building that homebuilt?

Gaston's was a good one!

Find an aviation Mission to keep the interest up!
I am soooo goal-oriented it drives those closest to me completely crazy!

My aviation goals for this summer are to get my flight review done (hopefully by the end of this week, weather permitting.)

Take my sister on an airplane ride.

Start multi training or sea-plane training. I don't know which one to do first!
I am soooo goal-oriented it drives those closest to me completely crazy!

My aviation goals for this summer are to get my flight review done (hopefully by the end of this week, weather permitting.)

Take my sister on an airplane ride.

Start multi training or sea-plane training. I don't know which one to do first!

That is what I'm talkin about right there.

What about some long CC goal? Landing at all airposts in your state. WI would be fun!
get my students their Private certs...

fly as far as I can in my glider
From the glider side, Goals are often a big part of our flying.

I already completed one goal which was to start contest flying again.

The two goals I have left are to complete 500km (310mi) Flight and and 5000 Meter (16400 ft) altitude gain. These will complete my Diamond Badge. I have been doing 300km speed triangles the past few years, so I think I am ready for the 500km flight. We just got confirmation that our wave window to 28,000 feet will be available this summer and I have 3 weeks in August set aside for just flying the sailplane. So I think I am all set.

I would also like to complete a 200 flight from Boise to the Alvord Desert Dry lake and return that we have designated as our goal flight for the year. But that will take a combintation of the right day(weather) and work schedule to make work. I almost made it last year I turned around about 15 miles short as it was getting late in the day and I wanted to make sure I got home before it got dark.

Howzbout this:

I'll use myself as an example in explaining our collective mission...

Let's say I wanted to send my triplet nieces in Longmont Colorado a stuffed animal (as an example). I could easily snail mail it but that wouldn't be "fun". But, what if I sent their stuffed animals via "Opportunity Air". I may fly the animals from Wings Field in Philly to Williamsport to a fly-in. There (through prior coordination), I meet up with Arlo Higginbotham who is planning on flying to Columbus Ohio in a couple of weeks and has offered to carry the animals with him to Columbus. Prior to going to Columbus, Arlo has logged in to POA and found out the Cleetus McGillicutty is planning to fly out to see his sister's husbands cousin out yonder in St Louis and would be tickled to bring along the stuff animals. This "Opportunity Air" would continue along and perhaps a month or two later, my triplet neices would get their stuffed animals delivered as precious cargo from my friends at Pilots Of America.

Just a thought; whadda you think?
Howzbout this:

I'll use myself as an example in explaining our collective mission...

Let's say I wanted to send my triplet nieces in Longmont Colorado a stuffed animal (as an example). I could easily snail mail it but that wouldn't be "fun". But, what if I sent their stuffed animals via "Opportunity Air". I may fly the animals from Wings Field in Philly to Williamsport to a fly-in. There (through prior coordination), I meet up with Arlo Higginbotham who is planning on flying to Columbus Ohio in a couple of weeks and has offered to carry the animals with him to Columbus. Prior to going to Columbus, Arlo has logged in to POA and found out the Cleetus McGillicutty is planning to fly out to see his sister's husbands cousin out yonder in St Louis and would be tickled to bring along the stuff animals. This "Opportunity Air" would continue along and perhaps a month or two later, my triplet neices would get their stuffed animals delivered as precious cargo from my friends at Pilots Of America.

Just a thought; whadda you think?

these sort of relays have been arranged before.
Go Fly America gave a pretty good mission -- not sure what the status is anymore.
Go Fly America gave a pretty good mission -- not sure what the status is anymore.
GFA ran out of time and, after being extended one time, it was terminated.

It was a great "mission" and I enjoyed participating. I'm continuing exploring new to me airports.

GFA ran out of time and, after being extended one time, it was terminated.

It was a great "mission" and I enjoyed participating. I'm continuing exploring new to me airports.


Go Fly America was the greatest Mission and I hated to see it end.

My goal now is to land at at least 50 new to me airports per year. That way I will have landed at all the airports in the lower 48 by the year 2091. :D

Go Fly America gave a pretty good mission -- not sure what the status is anymore.
The website is down and the boys stopped the program. I had wished that they would have kept it open or at least kept the web site up but not allow new entries.

I thought it was a great idea and sometimes would just pull lists of airports to go land at that had not had a GFA visit yet. It was a lot of fun.
My mission thus far this year has been to take the museum's raffle plane to as many fly-ins/airshows as I can to sell tickets. I see that continuing with the next raffle plane throughout the summer - until I finish paying for my PPL and can afford to rent for pleasure trips again. Until then, I just buy gas for someone else's plane :).
Skip: Has KIWI Wiscasset escaped your "New" list, thus far? I can meet you there, only 12.5sm from my house. Of course, there's no airport in Boothbay Harbor; however, if you've not seen any of that fine jewel, lately, check my Web site. I just added 17 images to "Boothbay Region;" 44 images to "Boothbay Harbor;" and quite a few to "Damariscotta Mills."

Mission? Need to go get my bird from its Twitchell's Annual.

I'm going to get my instrument rating this summer.
i would like to get some formation instruction. just gotta find the plane and a qualified instructor.
I'd like to actually start flying regularly again. Try to find some good IMC days to remain instrument current. Perhaps try to do some semi-regular cross-countries. I'm also planning on buying a house, which, eats money as well..so it will be a fine balance.
i would like to get some formation instruction. just gotta find the plane and a qualified instructor.

Tony, I believe the Flying W airport in New Jersey (N14) has a formation flying school.
Minnesota has a great mission going.

My mission is to get to 36 before the end of summer.
My immediate mission is to help get two more Able Flight students finished up prior to Air Venture. Patty Wagstaff and Miles O'Brien are going to present wings to the scholarships pilots who earned their SP certificates this last year. The ceremony will be on that Tuesday. We're hoping to have at least 6 of the pilots there.
I would like to fly 100 hrs in a glider this year. I have flown 32.6 so far and have only flown my single seater on 3 of my 33 flights this year so I should be able to make it if I am ever home long enough to fly the darn thing.
my main mission lately has been to get my trailer rebuilt.a fter it was damaged in windstorms i decided to tear it apart. I've gotten everything pulled off it, rivets and screws mostly ground down/drilled out, and it is now ready for sandblasting. Kansas Soaring Association has an annual straight out distance competition July 11 that I plan to fly in. Short term mission is to get the trailer ready and the glider ready for that day. then the mission will be to fly as far as I can!