Watch your credit card statements...

A number of folks are reporting small charges from a company named Adele Services. Something on the range of a quarter or so. Just enough to check to see if the number is valid.

Just a head's up.

Yup. Happened to me about a month or two ago. Called my card provider, they said it's a method of testing stolen cards (presumably from a vendor's db) for "validity" before reselling.

Provider canceled that card number, issued me new ones, and put a note on my credit bureau file that the previous card number was compromised. Done deal.
Had the same thing a few months ago, but from "EST company" for 10 cents. Learned that my bank can't service me between 11 PM & 2 am due to daily comp maintance. Cancelled & got a new number the next day, no prob, reversed the charge.
I as well, a month ago, from a "advertising" company to the tune of 7 cents, which I caught within a few days of the transaction. My recommendation, keep a close eye on your CC's frequently.