

Filing Flight Plan
Jun 3, 2024
Atlanta, Ga
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Hi all, question around medical. About my 42 birthday I started having some issues with brain fog and focus and libido etc. I started talking to medical professionals and discovered my testosterone was having issues. In the same time frame I also was put on adhd meds because of focus. They helped short term but I ended up feeling worse. Long story short I kept telling my doctor I wanted to stop the adhd meds. I had read several people in the testosterone therapy forums that were also on both amd found thar it wasn't adhd but the hormones. I had been on testosterone fir years and got my protocol tuned in after several years and felt great but didn't feel good on adhd meds. So I ended up stopping the meds and have not felt this great since i was young. I've dreamed of getting my private pilot license like my father. I am at an age I can afford to and have the time. I've read that adhd meds are a no go. I truly feel like I never needed them that it was hormones related and now I feel amazing. Is this something that has ruined my dream of being a pilot? Just hoping someone here has some knowledge. I've been extremely bummed thinking I can never be a pilot now due to being prescribed adhd meds. I've not taken those meds in over a year and don't ever plan on it again.
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How many years since you had a stimulant prescription?
(It makes a difference).
And, have you ever had an script for an antidepressive?
How many years since you had a stimulant prescription?
(It makes a difference).
And, have you ever had an script for an antidepressive?
Hi, thanks for your reply. I have not had a script since around March of 2023. No I have not had antidepressants.
Skyeye- turn on signatures for this website, and my byline will show. Click on the link and send me an email. I'll send you my "summary easay" as to how this goes. If I post my email addy here, the "bots" will clobber me.

Skyeye- turn on signatures for this website, and my byline will show. Click on the link and send me an email. I'll send you my "summary easay" as to how this goes. If I post my email addy here, the "bots" will clobber me.

It shows I have it on in my preference but I don't see your link.
My story isn't too different from yours. Here's a rough idea of what you can expect. It's not cheap, and it's not easy, but it can be done.
