Vote for your favorite aviation charity before OSH! (LightSpeed gives away $10K)


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Midlothian, TX
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LightSpeed is giving away $10,000 to an aviation charity we (YOU!) vote for at this year's AirVenture... make sure you take a moment to voice your opinion.

The selection of a top five charities group will be conducted by the pilot community through voting to take place at Lightspeed Aviation Kiosks at participating air shows or by voting directly online at Pilots are allowed one vote each.

The top five charities, as chosen by the pilot community will each receive a foundation grant for no less than $10,000.
What?? No Pilots 'N Paws?? :(

Where's the field for "write-in" voting?? :)
As a Civil Air Patrol Cadet (C/TSgt. soon to be C/MSgt.) I had to vote for CAP!
Have to register in order to vote. Sorry, I'm not giving them more marketing data. Too much spam as it is (how do I get rid of JA Air Center spam?)
I looked at getting Cloud Nine on the list, but when I tried it looked like they had decided which charities were elegible.
I threw my vote in for Veteran's Airlift, and urge the same to all of you who are undecided...

I have no affiliation with the group, but their mission is worthy of support IMHO.
The PilotCast will be doing interviews with many of the charities next Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at the Lightspeed tent at OSH at about 1:00 - 1:30.