VOR Conquered


Oct 6, 2014
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My z06 is faster than your C172
Did my first cross-country last week. CFI asked me to pick a route, so first waypoint was a VOR since I hadn't done one before.

The TO/FROM flag flipped at one point, but we never saw it on the ground. I said, "I guess we went over it".

Tracked my flight path using Avare, and plotted it in google earth that night. Yup, I went over it alright!

What all is left between you and the checkride?
Well done and very cool image! I used to love flying over the VORs in northern California during PPL training.
I like taking pics of VORs as I fly over them. It's a small thing, but it makes me feel like a navigator to fly exactly to an intended point out in the middle of nowhere, even if it is pretty easy.

Your Corvette may be faster than a 172 on the ground, but not getting from pint A to point D or beyond.., :)

Well done on your navigation and solo. Congratulations!
Nice precision. Congratulations, and good luck on completing the rest of the requirements.