Touchdown! Greaser!
Vectors from ATC while VFR (would never happen, but let’s pretend) will be super useful if you lose comm with ATC.
All one has to do is ask.
Vectors from ATC while VFR (would never happen, but let’s pretend) will be super useful if you lose comm with ATC.
Nostalgia, Grid Celestial Navigation over open water with a crappy Doppler for ground speed. FL350, .82M.
NDB is not much different than an AM radio station.
We were once inbound to an airport for an airshow, small country airport, only NDB approach to find the airport. I told the pilot I would load the approach heading as a bomb run, all he had to do was follow the track the bomb run on the inbound. “Roger, Nav has the Aircraft”
That doesn't necessarily mean anything one way or another. They could be there to tell VFR pilots areas to avoid. They are not, of course.If they're only for IFR flight, why are they on the sectional?
If they're only for IFR flight, why are they on the sectional?