when, in reality, the show is the sound of freedom. I salute the vets service and sacrifice and while no sane person wants war it is sometimes necessary to protect our way of life and freedoms. the world would now be a very, very dark place without the USA and it's military.
...I think someone has been drinking the old "Jim Jones Kool-aid" to come up with that view of aircraft.
I miss the destroying and killing parts.
Not so much the maiming.
Maiming indicates a sub-standard performance, and should be addressed in the performance review, and corrective action taken.
I probably won't get asked by the Lotus Eating Veterans For Peace folk to join, will I?
don't forget SF City Supervisor John Avalos who wanted to ban the Blue Angels from flying over the city...
It’s about them crashing and hitting a building — a place where people live,” Avalos told the Chronicle. “It’s about the terror that they cause in people when they strafe neighborhoods. That’s something I hear about all the time when Blue Angels fly overhead."
Ok, they should have said "buzz neighborhoods" ... big deal.
Huh. Never heard anything about the Blue .angels flying low and shooting up neighborhoods . . . Maybe the good Sup doesn't know the definition of "strafe." Yah, that's it, the City Sup didn't get a quality education!
I mean... They're not entirely wrong.
The State Department is the branch responsible for the peace love and happiness part of international relations... and you don't see them having desk shows, because they are neither exciting nor necessarily effective, at least when it comes to interactions with belligerent nations.
Fantastic idea. I will set up a tomato booth so the spectators can "discard" tomatoes at their favorite candidate. $20 for five nice overripe squishy beat up tomatoes would sell like hotcakes.The State Department could do something like this. In fact it should be MANDATORY that every person who works for the State Department perform in at least 4 parades a year.
All politics and feelings about war aside, these guys picked the wrong place to protest. Miramar is one of 4 major military installations within a 30minute driving radius. I'm not sure you could target a higher military per capita area anywhere. They are unlikely to get much support here, or make any kind of a dent in attendance.
They're not looking for "support", that's the entire point of a protest
Their PR strategy must be working.
Nah. Their PR strategy sucks because too many don't know what they're protesting about. Or at least I don't. To me, they're just a bunch of riff-raff causing trouble. Whatever cause they're associated with is tainted by their association.
When the news about your protest overshadows your message then you've failed.