USB Keychain GPS

Thats interesting.......haven't found any bad reviews so far using Google.
I've found a bunch of awesome tiny GPS gadgets like that, fairly cheap. I was about to buy one till I learned I could just get a PDA with built-in GPS. Since I'd use it for travel, I'm not very likely to bring my laptop to a place where I'd want a GPS.

Here's one that's solar powered and bluetooth for $80

Mike, do you have the Pharos? I was looking at the Pharos 600 and wondered if it was worth it?
Mike, do you have the Pharos? I was looking at the Pharos 600 and wondered if it was worth it?

No. So far I've talked myself out of one more box to pack. I have a Garmin Nuvi for land use. I'd only get the Pharos for use with my Windows Mobile phone.
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I'll stick with a proven brand

Sage advice. I bought a cheapie bluetooth GPS to play around with (no serious need, just a toy) and was disappointed. I will do research next time.