US Aviators Flying Club, Denton, TX


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jan 13, 2010
Denton, TX
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The original "I don't know it all" of aviation.
US Aviators Flying Club, based at Denton Municpal Airport (KDTO), Denton, Texas, is having a meeting to reorganize and improve the club. This will be a great time to meet other members, find out more about the club, and everyone is encouraged to attend.

This is also the time to discuss any issues that you may have. This could be anything froms cheduling to fueling, was the plane left clean, potential upgrades to club airccraft, maintenance issues, or any other problems.

We will have a guest with us, Mark Taylor, who is head of public relations with US Aviation Group (see He is looking forward to meeting and speaking with us.

One of the goals this year is to get better exposure for the club. We are negotiating with US Aviation to get a booth at the Alliance Airshow and to make some appearances at some of the local flyins. If you have any ideas, bring them to the meeting.

We are looking forward to meeting with everybody. See you there!!!
PLACE: US Aviation, 4850 Spartan Drive, Denton Municipal Airport (KDTO)ROOM: The Grand Room -- Upstairs, Use the Stairway at the south entrance​

DATE: Tuesday, June 21, 6:00pm​
bumped, as a reminder that this occurs tomorrow night.
Does the club have a website? I'd be interested in seeing which planes are available, rates, etc. Are the aircraft used for the club the same ones the school uses for instruction, or are they separate entities?
They did. And that is where I went to do the scheduling. But unexplicably, the site is offline. (

I've messaged the guy at US Aviation Group who is supposed to be handling things like this, but haven't heard back. If it continues to be off line by tomorrow night, I'm gonna bring it up as a priority item.

There are currently two aircraft. A 2003 Warrior III (N9855S, that I've been flying) that rents for $85/wet. It is equipped with twin GNS430's (non-WAAS), is IFR, and fly's pretty good.

The other is a 2006 Breezer LSA. This rents for $55/wet.

These two aircraft are not used for the flight school. It is possible for a club member to request a USFA CFI to go with you for some instruction in one of them.

Will you be attending?


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Bumped, as a reminder that this event is tonight.
I'm not a member but would like to attend, if that is appropriate. I live in the area and am working on my SP certificate.
Kindly let me know if my attendance is inadvisable.
It is possible for a club member to request a USFA CFI to go with you for some instruction in one of them.

I didn't even know that there was a "club" that was more than a marketing term used by USFA. I've looked at the Breezer from time to time while getting 65RA or now 25T out of that hangar.

What does the club do? Are there meetings or the like?
I've had a few conversations with some other club members and a few USFA staffers on how it could thrive and grow if there was more organization and direction. It looks like these have paid off as someone is stepping up to take what's here and make it better.

Tonight's meeting is the first, and likely will answer your questions about what the club will do and what future meetings might entail. My hope is to one day have a strong club with multiple aircraft similar to RFC and Addison Flyers at KADS and Texins at KTKI.

I hope you will consider attending. If you (and others like Troy) do attend, look for me in a denim shirt with a Texas Auto Recyclers Association logo above the pocket.
Is it an equity ownership club? RFC isn't, but Six4aSix at Meacham and the other club at DTO (with the 182/Bonanza) are.

I wish the site was up; I'd like more details about costs/structure/buy-in, but can't make the meeting tonight.

$95/mo, 6-month primary commitment (but billed monthly). This gets you on the roster, access to the aircraft, and access to the online scheduling.

A check out by a designated instructor is required, so you can learn/demonstrate you know how to operate the aircraft safely. This took me about 1.5 of ground (Ron did a great job drillin and grillin me on the key items I needed to know cold), 1.75 flying and I was signed off.

I'll post more after the meeding concludes.
That's not bad, especially with a newer Warrior at $85 WET. Does the club lease back aircraft from members or others? If it had a higher performance aircraft like a 182, Mooney or Bonanza on the line, I'd be interested.
That's not bad, especially with a newer Warrior at $85 WET. Does the club lease back aircraft from members or others? If it had a higher performance aircraft like a 182, Mooney or Bonanza on the line, I'd be interested.

Aircraft are owned by US Aviation Group (parent company of the Academy, the new FBO, and the avionics and maintenance shop).

I'll post more tomorrow about the meeting and some good things I learned.