Udvar-Hazy Pilot Day June 16


Management Council Member
PoA Supporter
Jul 31, 2007
Catawba, NC
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I have to make a plug for my wife's event: The eighth annual Become a Pilot Family Day and Display at the National Air and Space Museum Udvar-Hazy (Dulles) Center. There will be around 50 aircraft (everything from gliders to a C17, 1929 Waco up to a Cozy). The pilots will be hanging out to talk to the public as well as some of us will be letting people sit in the planes. Lots of inside activities for kids and adults as well as the museum as usual.

I second the plug for the event! I'm slightly partial because I work there some weekends, but it's hands down the best day of the year. If you've ever wanted to make it out to the museum, this Saturday is the day. It's supposed to be gorgeous too. Sunny and 78. Can't beat that.

I'll be working there that day doing education activities. PM me if you're going to be there--I'll probably have a half hour off sometime during the day for saying hi to people. I'd volunteer to drive anyone that wants to fly in to JYO, but I'll be super busy. Sorry!
I'll be doing some flying of my own that day. Darn. I would have liked to have sit in some of the planes.

I'm a kid at heart.
I'll be doing some flying of my own that day. Darn. I would have liked to have sit in some of the planes.

I'm a kid at heart.

Aren't we all? :)

(Actually maybe we all aren't. But I sure am. Though I'm closer to actually being a kid than most around here.)
Great, it's 'touch a pilot' day at Udvar Hazy :D

I just may make it out there this year with my short people.
I was there last year as a pilot (well student pilot at the time), representing my flying club who was there. It was a great event, but I won't make it this year, I will be flying somewhere else too early to be able to make it. If you've got the time, and are close, I highly recommend it! Great day to be with the family talking about and admiring planes!
Just got word that I'll be doing the Become a Pilot presentation, so if any of you want to come say hi, that's where I'll be. I'm planning to make an appearance outside as well. One of the planes I trained in at Bay Bridge W29 is going to be there. It was last year, and it was pretty funny to see it. It sure looks small (Tecnam Eaglet, LSA) even around the other GA airplanes....
What an exceptionally cool event!
Heading out there now should be there around noon. Tall guy, black polo, two kids, girl in a dress pink/white stripes, boy in a green 3/4 Tee with denim knickers. See you there.
And I'm stuck babysitting on short notice. Never been, next year I guess.
This was great! Lots of kids and adults exposed to general aviation in a fun and relaxed environment.

Ron, thanks to your wife for her work to make this possible, and thanks to you for letting about 2000 kids crawl through your Navion.....
Hey, you're Margy's husband? I know Margy! And she might know me? Maybe? I saw your Navion out there--beautiful plane. Must have missed you though.

And yes, great day all around. Not quite as crowded as it's been in the past, but a great day nonetheless. I was busy teaching people all about sectionals and terminal area charts, what those numbers on the ends of runways mean, and the traffic pattern. And because of our fairly central location also ended up giving a lot of directions.

Anyone stay to see Marine 1 depart? Anticlimactic (it's still just a helicopter...) but cool anyway :).
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Yes, I'm Margy's husband. My participation in the event is largely just supporting Margy's craziness the weeks leading up to the event and cooking dinner for the ramp crew after the event (well it was supposed to be takeout pizza, but I misguessed how many were coming so I made a pot of chili up real quick).

It wasn't 2000 kids in the Navion, but it was about 250. I had 250 postcards with a picture of the Navion on it and I gave all but 20 out.
It wasn't 2000 kids in the Navion, but it was about 250. I had 250 postcards with a picture of the Navion on it and I gave all but 20 out.

Any time I looked, you had a line, you and the C17 cockpit :) .
Any time I looked, you had a line, you and the C17 cockpit :) .

250 is still pretty good over 5 hours. I still had people in the plane (but fortunately NOT IN LINE) when they were shooing everybody back inside at the end.