Final Approach
I've been flying a Cessna 172 with one of these blenders that does everything but chop carrots. On takeoff the AoA red bars annunciate a stall warning even though airspeed is accelerating while in or while climbing out of ground effect at Vx. The Pilot's Guide raises more questions than answers, so I'm wondering if somebody knows whether this is an accurate display of angle of attack, considering these red bars are supposed to light up with the aural stall warning, but it is silent. The system "derives" AoA by measuring the difference between pitch attitude (via AHRS) and a calculated flight path slope deduced from indicated airspeed and vertical speed — which makes me skeptical. The VSI is known for having a lag, so is the AoA system affected likewise? Or do the mysterious accelerometers mentioned in the Pilot's Guide supply the vertical input, i.e., no lag.
Another thing, the installation is supposed to be calibrated with 20° of flaps and partial power, as in the "base leg to final" configuration. Takeoffs with full power during transition out of ground effect with zero flaps are a different and a dynamic animal, so how can the red bars set with 20° flaps be valid? Looking for some thoughts about this...
Another thing, the installation is supposed to be calibrated with 20° of flaps and partial power, as in the "base leg to final" configuration. Takeoffs with full power during transition out of ground effect with zero flaps are a different and a dynamic animal, so how can the red bars set with 20° flaps be valid? Looking for some thoughts about this...