Two Distinguished Partners Sought: 1980 Cessna TR182 At Hicks - Fort Worth, TX


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Midlothian, TX
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See here for all the details, feel free to share if you know somebody that is looking.

Why a partnership? Planes (and engines) are usually happier when they fly more than the hours that one owner usually can put on the airframe each year. That is my only reason! In my first year of flying (which was really April-December this year) I've put about 85 hours on the plane, so I'm on target for about 125-150 hours at my current pace for 2016.

I can afford to keep the plane myself, but with the RIGHT partners it makes sense to share the plane. Fortunately, since this isn't driven by financial need, I have the time to be picky and get the right folks. ;-)
And it's a wonderful plane...if Efinger says it's wonderful (a rare find)...then it is indeed wonderful!
Troy, on the "well equipped" slide, there are some numbers written on the skin... What does this info represent?
I noticed your list of planned avionics upgrades. Once you do those, you're gonna take it from one great airplane and make it a fantastic airplane.
If the check clears, do that make me "DISTINGUISHED"?

I really like when you select your link, the tab reads "Fast. High. Confident."

Too far away from me, but you should be able to find someone close. You have a great airplane.
Nice plane, little pricy but nice.
If the check clears, do that make me "DISTINGUISHED"?

I really like when you select your link, the tab reads "Fast. High. Confident."

Too far away from me, but you should be able to find someone close. You have a great airplane.

You need to check out the other airplane in his hangar.