TV Tech Comprehension Fail


Tied Down
Nov 8, 2009
Denver, CO
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So, there was a fiber cut/outage in Denver today for Comcast. Happens. No big deal.

Took out video delivery for most of the City but Internet and Phones were fine.

Local TV station posts it as "news" on Facebook. Also fine. Whatever.

I'm reading through the comments and I come across this...

"Funny thing was I could watch shows from the DVR but live cable was down."

Really, genius?

Beat. Head. Here.
"...does the fact the the power is off in the entire neighborhood have anything to do with why my desktop PC isn't working?"
On a similar note I have a friend who lives in out in the country with poor cell coverage. He bought his first cell phone and was complaining how bad it was because he couldn't even call his house (land line) when he was at home. He said "if I can't even call my house when the house phone is 5 feet away how the heck is it going to reach anyone else!"
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With ATT Uverse (I know you said Comcast) it would be odd If I could watch my DVR without live TV working. If the DVR can't 'call home' it won't let you watch movies you already recorded. Uverse is video over IP so it is a little different. (However the shows governors are still saved local on your DVR.)
So, there was a fiber cut/outage in Denver today for Comcast. Happens. No big deal.

Took out video delivery for most of the City but Internet and Phones were fine.

Local TV station posts it as "news" on Facebook. Also fine. Whatever.

I'm reading through the comments and I come across this...

"Funny thing was I could watch shows from the DVR but live cable was down."

Really, genius?

Beat. Head. Here.
The same person would probably be amazed that they could still compose Word documents on their laptop when the internet connection was down.
I think there was a famous tech support call where a person calls in and says there computer went blank and they've lost everything they were working on. The tech guy oes though a whole litany of things and finally asks the customer to check if the power cable is plugged. At that point the customer says they have to get a flashlight to do that and when the support guy asks about it they tell him they need it to see because the power is off.