TSA Vetting?


Filing Flight Plan
Jan 2, 2015
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I am a CFI but many years out of currency, so please forgive this probably stupid question, but do applicants for an airman's certificate, student, private or otherwise, have to pay for and wait for a TSA vetting?
I am a CFI but many years out of currency, so please forgive this probably stupid question, but do applicants for an airman's certificate, student, private or otherwise, have to pay for and wait for a TSA vetting?
Only if they're not US citizens. This web site will get you up to speed on this issue.
Not if they are US citizens

Thanks, that's what I recalled. The reason I asked is because I am reading the NPRM for the commercial small UAS operator certificate and the proposed Part 107 rule does require an applicant to pay for and wait for a TSA screening. Which I consider entirely unnecessary since the hobby flier can buy and fly a personal drone without any vetting by the TSA.