Line Up and Wait
This might be fun reading for you American pilots - you will appreciate your fantastic facilities and privileges even more
This might be fun reading for you American pilots - you will appreciate your fantastic facilities and privileges even more
I don't believe that BFSC.min (efficiency peak) always occurs at 25 LOP (it varies with power and temp) but at 60-65% power that's pretty close and like you stated the curve is pretty flat in that vicinity.Peter said:Every normal petrol burning engine delivers best efficiency (horsepower per fuel flow) at 25F LOP (lean of peak).
The issue of operating at peak EGT combined with high power isn't just high CHT, the peak internal cylinder pressure rises dramatically as you enrichen from well LOP (that peak pressure is indirectly responsible for the higher CHTs) and the crank angle at which this peak pressure occurs moves towards TDC as well. At high power settings those two along with the associated higher temps combine to greatly increase the stresses inside the engine and this is the reason one should avoid the region around 25-50 ROP with greater and greater margins as the power is increased above approximately 60%.In practice, the efficiency curve is relatively flat in that region and operating simply at peak EGT is nearly as good. At this point, called "stochiometric" combustion, there is an exact match between the number of hydrocarbon molecules being attached to oxygen molecules. Having too few hydrocarbon molecules (this is the LOP condition) simply means less power is generated. Having too many hydrocarbon molecules (this is the ROP - rich of peak - condition) results in unburnt fuel going out of the exhaust. Most modern car engines run at peak EGT all the time (except when cold, when the ECU enriches the mixture). However, aircraft engines of the type in the TB20 (Lycoming IO-540) cannot be run around peak EGT throughout their rated power range because their lightweight aircooled design prevents the resulting heat being dissipated at high power settings, or at low airflows (low aircraft speeds e.g. during climb).
This I pretty much concur with. So many claims of big gains in fuel economy operating LOP include some caveat about "only losing 5 KT" which IMO seriously blurs the effect of LOP ops. When I compare the efficiency of 20 LOP vs 50 ROP (at a suitably low power level) at the same TAS I consistently see about a 5% improvement in economy running LOP. Of course this along with the other benfits of LOP is sufficient reason IMO to operate that way.There is a widespread belief in GA that operating LOP yields huge efficiency improvements but despite the most careful tests I have not been able to replicate this. Flying at constant IAS and constant prop RPM (i.e. keeping thrust, airframe drag and prop efficiency all constant) there is a roughly 10% fuel saving between 75F ROP and peak EGT, but under 1% fuel saving between peak EGT and any LOP setting. What does make a big difference to MPG is flying slower!
It isn't the evaporatoration of the excess fuel that "cools the combustion" but rather the increased time from ignition to peak pressure plus slight decrease in produced power that generates the lower temps associated with excessively rich mixtures. And while water injection has been used to increase detonation margins at high power in some engines I'm pretty certain that it's effect is similar (slower combustion). In the case of full power overly rich mixtures, vaporization and heating of the 25% excess fuel absorbs less than 1/2% of the heat of combustion from the fuel that actually burns. Probably not even one degree of CHT's worth.During climb, which is done with all 3 levers fully forward (unless using the constant-EGT method - see below) the above thermal limitations prevent operation at peak EGT and the fuel injection servo is factory adjusted to deliver an operating point of about 150F ROP. This results in approximately 30% of the fuel remaining unburnt but the combustion is a lot cooler - just like spraying water on a fire cools it. In fact one could just run the engine at peak EGT and spray water into the combustion chamber and it would be just as good and considerably cheaper, and this actually been done in some old designs.
Peak EGT at 75% power is not conducive to engine longevity, 60-65% is a more reasonably power limit for peak EGT operation. Of course if the engine is derated for airframe considerations that would be 60-65% of the full (not derated) power output.At cruise, below 75% of max rated power, the heat generated in the engine is lower and there is much more cooling, so one can run in the peak EGT region.
The most accurate number for "best power is 80F ROP although 100F produces something like 99.5% or more.The highest power output (regardless of efficiency) is obtained around 100F ROP, for some reason.
More nit-picking... The indicated airspeed at the absolute ceiling is the max range speed which is close to Vy (best rate) as this is the speed which requires the least amount of power for level flight. Vs (stall speed) is significanly lower and flight at just above Vs requires considerably more power than at Vy. But your point is valid, as you approach the absolute ceiling of an airplane the increased power provided by a richer mixture is generally more important than the slight loss of engine efficiency.This is a useful concept for high altitude flight in a non-turbocharged aircraft; at say FL200 the engine is breathing little air, the corresponding stochiometric fuel flow is equally low, and the power output is low. The aircraft goes slower and slower and, at the ultimate operating ceiling, all it can achieve is a speed just above the stall.
As you've guessed, there are no universal truths about prop efficiency vs RPM let alone the combined engine and prop efficiency vs RPM but the optimal RPM typically increases with TAS IIRC.In this case, you want all power you can get and you aren't too bothered about fuel flow, so you set up 100F ROP.
Engine friction losses reduce at a lower RPM which is another factor one can play with when stretching things. Prop efficiency is more complex and I don't know anybody who understands it but I assume it does not change substantially between 2200-2575RPM which is the normal IO-540-C4D5D cruise range.
Actually, at the indicated airspeed that yields maximum no wind efficiency (typically close to but slightly higher than sea level Vy), altitude as absolutely no effect on airframe "efficiency" (i.e. distance/energy). IOW the power required to maintain altitude at that IAS increases exactly in proportion to the increase in TAS.Finally, altitude affects overall efficiency because a particular aircraft flies with a higher AOA (angle of attack) in thinner air and this creates more drag. Different wing aerofoils are optimised for different cruise altitudes.
I don't think that's even remotely true. First of all, excluding extremely low power (less than necessary to sustain flight) engine power is very nearly proportional to fuel flow over the RPM range availble for cruise flight assuming the mixture is constant (it IS true that since the mixture must be overly rich at high power, this proportinality breaks down when the mixture must be made richer for safe operation of the engine). Second, from sea level to the absolute ceiling the range and MPG will be unaffected by altitude if flown at max range IAS. My claim does ignore the potential loss of efficiency during climb due to an excessively rich mixture although that can be eliminated by climbing LOP, and in any case the effect is small (.5gal/1000 ft) and on long flights the fuel wasted climbing ROP is a very small percent of the total consumed.However, engine efficiency is not constant over its power output, is poor at the very low power outputs one gets at say FL200, and the result is that the best "MPG" is obtained around 7,000-10,000ft for most non-turbocharged GA aircraft types.
Hi lancefisher,
Thank you for the feedback - I will do corrections.
That bit about the latent heat of evaporation of liquid fuel - has this been calculated by somebody? If so then I have inadvertently repeated one of GA's OWTs!
You are correct but the friction losses are relatively small compared to the power input. Most of the inefficiency is due to heat released in the exhaust and cylinders. The difference in friction losses at different power output levels is much smaller yet. The pumping loss is also relatively insignificant and for LOP cruising the difference at different power levels really tiny since the throttle is wide open for any power.Your input on efficiency versus altitude explains why I have repeatedly found that the penalty (in range, or MPG) paid for having to climb high (to get above wx) is much less significant than I would have expected.
However, I think I disagree with your assertion about engine power being proportional to fuel flow. It cannot be - if it were, the pumping+friction losses would have to be zero.
This graph comes out of the Lyco 540 engine manual
and if one extrapolates the two axes to see the fuel flow that intercepts the zero-horsepower line, one finds this is very roughly (best economy curves) 5gph at 2575rpm, reducing to about 4gph at 2200rpm; the reduction is what one would expect if one assumed the pumping+friction losses were eating up 5gph at 2575rpm.
This effect is pretty well explained in the Byington papers. IIRC you can expect about a 1% increase in power required for every 1% increase in weight. This is primarily if not solely due to the power required to generate the additional lift assuming the CG is unchanged. A CG that moves aft will also decrease the power required but the effect is pretty small. AFaIK, attempts have been made to measure that in a Bonanza but the results were inconclusive.The other thing which I have not addressed is how the range improves as fuel is burnt off. This is another mystery to me. Jet operators are always talking about not loading more than "minimum" fuel because carrying un-needed fuel costs so much, but I repeatedly find the TB20 does exactly the same IAS at a given altitude no matter how how weight it is carrying. There might be a difference but it is really small; of the order of 1-2kt between the MTOW of 1400kg and say 1150kg with just me in it and half tanks. I cannot understand the mechanism for this; I suppose it could be that heavier loadings always involve the extra weight towards the rear, where it is beneficial in reducing the elevator AOA and thus elevator drag.
Best range is greater than Vy but not by 29%, I think it's more like 8% in my Baron but that's pretty close to your lower figure of 10%. And the range penalty for small increases above best range speed are fairly small too so I suspect that 120% of your Vy would be close enough and get you there a bit quicker. Of course, winds aloft have a huge effect on range (and best range CAS) so picking the altitude which maximizes range will likely have much more effect than an extra 10% speed.Finally, I remain unconvinced that my best-range speed is Vy. This assumes constant engine efficiency over power output, which (as stated above) cannot be the case. It should be with a glider (by definition ) and might be with an electric motor. I therefore think my best range is some 10-20kt above Vy (which is 95kt) but I am willing to do the measurements.
This effect is pretty well explained in the Byington papers. IIRC you can expect about a 1% increase in power required for every 1% increase in weight.
This might be fun reading for you American pilots - you will appreciate your fantastic facilities and privileges even more
A few questions: You mention "airway" flights, are you required to file an IFR flight plan along airways?
The airways are different too. We have a very few, rare NDB "B" airways left, a few "Q" airways (GPS) starting to pop up, but for the most part we operate on Victor airways (between VOR's, 1200 AGL to FL180) and Jet airways (between high-altitude VOR's FL180 to FL650). I see that you have A, B, G, H, R, T, and Y airways in your flight plan! Are those in the different countries, or what are the differences between them?
Yes, the USA has a simple airspace, with E to 17999ft. It would be great to have that in Europe, but it would also mean that you would need an IFR clearance to enter IMC which would mean an IR, which historically has been very hard to get.
Are you saying that you can file and IFR flight plan without and IR [instrument rating] so long as you do not enter IMC [instrument meteorological conditions]?
You need to file a "flight plan" for all flights in controlled airspace, for both VFR and IFR.
In practice this is usually done implicitly with a radio call, so in typical UK messing about if you want to cross a bit of Class D you just call them up and they grant you a transit (or they don't let you in and you go around it).
But if you want to fly in the "proper" Eurocontrol IFR airspace, it can be very difficult (virtually impossible in the UK) to get a VFR or a non-flight-planned IFR (e.g. Class G) flight elevated (what you call a pop-up IFR clearance) to the Eurocontrol airspace.
Yes, the USA has a simple airspace, with E to 17999ft. It would be great to have that in Europe, but it would also mean that you would need an IFR clearance to enter IMC which would mean an IR, which historically has been very hard to get.
How high up is the Eurocontrol airspace? Can you fly VFR up there?
You say something about class G IFR too - How does that work? If it's "uncontrolled" then how do you know you're not going to run into another plane in IMC?
So you can go in IMC without a clearance?
We had a discussion about some of this on the Pilotcast forums a while back, and someone was talking about the requirements to get an IR over there. Disgustingly difficult - I think it's harder to get an IR as a Private pilot there than it is to get an ATP here, and the requirements were similar! That seems very counterproductive in terms of safety. I'm guessing that's also why you got your IR over here?
I use that term for the controlled airspace in which the airways lie. It is usually Class A,B or C. Very occassionally it might be D or E.
If it is E then you can fly VFR there - this is very much applicable to France but the UK has almost no E.
The last mid-air in the UK in IMC was in 1942, so it works pretty well
Under ICAO, nobody has the power to give you an IFR clearance (or any other clearance) in Class G. Isn't that how it works in the USA?
In Europe, there are countries where IFR is banned outside CAS i.e. in Class F/G. But in the UK you can do it, and no clearance or even radio contact is required. The VFR/IFR regime is pretty ambiguous, because you can fly IMC (IFR) all over the place, doing your own thing.
This might be fun reading for you American pilots - you will appreciate your fantastic facilities and privileges even more
It varies all over the place. Where I live, Class A base is 2500ft.Ah yes... Here, class A is from FL180 on up, none below that. We may ***** and moan about the Bravo around Chicago being unfriendly, but isn't the airspace around London class A? What altitudes are the different airspaces over there?
G, I suppose There isn't the relatively regular airspace structure you have. It's basically G, with bits of D around airports (sometimes A) and big chunks of A for the airways.What does the UK have instead of E?
The UK has a pretty busy GA scene, but very few pilots fly in IMC, and I think this is true everywhere - even the USA?Well, when next to nobody flies, I guess it would.
3000m vis and clear of cloud, though above 3000ft (I think) there are cloud spacing rules (which are basically pointless).Pretty much, but there is so little G here that you wouldn't dare - Plus, it's supposed to be 1 mile vis and clear of clouds in G. Is that different over there?
Very few places. I think F is advisory VFR routes - irrelevant. VFR flight, outside controlled airspace, can just go DCT.BTW, we have no F-space over here at all, so I don't even really know what it is. What's the difference between F and G? Where do you find F?
Peter,The UK has a pretty busy GA scene, but very few pilots fly in IMC, and I think this is true everywhere - even the USA?
The last mid-air in the UK in IMC was in 1942, so it works pretty well
It varies all over the place. Where I live, Class A base is 2500ft.
The UK has a pretty busy GA scene, but very few pilots fly in IMC, and I think this is true everywhere - even the USA?
3000m vis and clear of cloud, though above 3000ft (I think) there are cloud spacing rules (which are basically pointless).
Here in the UK, a lot (maybe 10-20% ?) of PPLs have the IMC Rating, which is basically an IR but UK-only, no Class A, 1800m min vis for t/o or landing. I used to have this until I got the full IR. In this case, one cannot file the big-boys IFR flight plans for high altitudes so you often fly at 2400ft, 3400ft, etc, just under the base of various chunks of Class A.
And yes, in IMC.
But on a given day when it is say OVC010, very few people are flying anyway. Obviously, the near misses are never detected.... you can get a radar service but often you cannot; it depends on the workload.
So.... flying enroute in IMC is fine at low levels, typically done outside CAS, and also occassionally done by traffic flying illegal VFR (the ambiguity here between VFR and IFR in Class G makes the distinction meaningless, but not above 1999kg when you pay enroute charges if IFR) but you generally cannot do it at higher levels due to icing.
US airspace is clever because you have widespread Class E which makes it illegal to fly in IMC without an IFR clearance. This works because of your much more accessible IR so lots of people can fly in the system properly, and it works because airports etc do not get billed by the IFR control units for the radar service. Here they do get billed which makes it very hard for GA airfields without ATC to get GPS approaches - they could not afford the charges from the controlling unit. So the UK free-for-all Class G model works quite well - nobody wants to pay, so nobody charges, but nobody gets an assured radar service. France is quite close to the USA - Class E to FL110, Class D above, Class A FL200+, or so and subsidised ATC facilities like the USA.
Yikes! Are you near a large city, IE is the 2500 feet part of the base of an "inverted wedding cake"?
It also sounds like you can't go in the clouds in class G without an instrument rating, or is that the IMC rating you speak of below?
Interesting. At least there's an intermediate step on your way to the full instrument rating.
Are you in contact with ATC at all? Do you file some different kind of flight plan? Do you have to stay on airways? Is there anything besides the big sky theory that keeps you from hitting another plane in IMC?
I'm beginning to understand why that plane I ferried to Maine before it crossed the pond to start its new life in Europe had an active traffic system installed!
Another interesting thing. Here, we call the Great Lakes an "ice machine." I bet the ocean makes it a lot worse!