Trip Report: Cristo del Rey


Cleared for Takeoff
Jul 26, 2009
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This video has it all!

Jello effect? Yup
Hair in the lens? You bet
Vibration in the wing mount? Sure thing

That said, not everyone gets to fly in Mexico so I thought some of you might like to see it anyway.

Thanks for the cool video!
We stayed in Guanajuato for 10 days back in 2007 while attending a friend's wedding. One of the most beautiful and friendly cities I've been to.
What differences do you notice in having a plane and flying it down there as opposed to El Norte?
Nice video thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the cool video!
We stayed in Guanajuato for 10 days back in 2007 while attending a friend's wedding. One of the most beautiful and friendly cities I've been to.
What differences do you notice in having a plane and flying it down there as opposed to El Norte?

There is 15-20 minutes of overhead associated with every flight here that doesn't exist in the US. You have to go to 3-5 different offices to register flight plans, get fuel, pay for fuel, get weather briefings. It's a bit of a hassle, but nothing that should stop you from flying.

And, yes, Guanajuato is an awesome place.
I suppose I should also mention that most airports have a military presence. But I've never run across anyone who wasn't nice at any of the airports I've been to here. Certainly the folks in Mexico and the Bahamas (the only non-US countries I have experience with) are *far* nicer than the CBP people in the US (who, sadly, seem to often be on a power trip).
Nice video, but you're fatiguing the outboard rib into which the goPro is mounted.....
What an outstanding video! Thanks for sharing that, and please feel free - no, feel obligated- to share more.

My wife and I have always enjoyed visiting Mexico, and as a child, that is the only place my family ever went on vacation (because, in those days, it was in expensive and we could not afford more). Driving or train trips into the interior, Monterrey, the DF, etc.

Tell us more about living and flying in Mexico...
Nice video, but you're fatiguing the outboard rib into which the goPro is mounted.....

The primary reason the external video is so shaky is precisely because that's not the case.

But I disagree with how he attached it for other reasons.
What an outstanding video! Thanks for sharing that, and please feel free - no, feel obligated- to share more.

My wife and I have always enjoyed visiting Mexico, and as a child, that is the only place my family ever went on vacation (because, in those days, it was in expensive and we could not afford more). Driving or train trips into the interior, Monterrey, the DF, etc.

Tell us more about living and flying in Mexico...

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