hah! indeed, I was using course, but Track is probably the more technically correct term, since a "course" denotes having an end point. The Baro sync is the only thing I really don't like about TruTrak, and its a small thing. And something that will be fixed with Aspen/G5 integration. I REALLY wished that Trutralk would have made the Baro / Altitude setting based on actual baro pressure, not altitude. :/ It sort of adds a step that isn't really needed, especially in bumpy air. When I change my alitimeter to the new baro which I get in in/mmhg from ATC or stations, I have to look at the new indicated altitude, and then go over to the Trutrak and try and twist the sensitive rotary knob to match by altitude, since TruTrak uses "altitude" instead of pressure. I would prefer the TruTrak to have the ability to just let me enter the actual pressure instead of having to finagle the rotary knob through feet of altitude, which gets....challenging... when its bumpy. Not to mention, as you are flying in bumpy weather, your altitude will be bouncing around by a few dozen feet, the Trutrak will show its altitude setting in feet, down to a single foot, so the display is jumping around like crazy while you are trying to rotate the rotary knob. Not a big deal in smooth air, but TN summer flying, we rarely have smooth air and its a pain to "chase" the desired altitude setting. I usually end up saying "screw it... 50-75 feet is close enough for this type of flying". If I could just rotate in the actual pressure I think it would be easier as the resolution issue would be muted at that point.