Trichotillomania - First Class Med Possible?


Jack Roth

Hello, heres the deal. I was in 6th grade when I was diagnosed with trichotillomania (hair pulling) and something I still struggle with now. I am now 20 years old, working on my CFI. I've been seeing a psychologist for many years trying to fix/minimize the hair pulling. When I went for my first (and only) medical (2nd class) two years ago before I started flight training, I failed to report the trich and the visits with psychologists. I wasn't very familiar with the medical process and application at that point, and now I am trying to fix this. I am getting a note from the psychologist this week (to show the AME) and I'm going to schedule a medical to hopefully get this cleared up. Never diagnosed with anything else, and never felt that I had anything else, contrary to a lot of people who have trich. I also never took any medications. I am thinking my best bet is to go for a third class, since thats all I will need for a bit while I work on my CFI and can use that through instructing. That also gives me the option to ask the AME if I'll have issues getting the first class, rather than just getting denied for it now.

I'm so worried about the outcome. After instructing my plan is to go to the regionals but I don't know how the AME/FAA will feel about the trich. It's important to note that it isn't something that affects me in the airplane, at all. It's pretty much just when I'm studying by myself or I can't fall asleep.

Appreciate any advice you guys have... Thanks
Do you know what is in your doctor's notes? Did they ever diagnose you with anything? You may not know they did, but a lot of doctors put in codes for stuff so insurance will pay, and then it ends up appearing as if you have that issue. That could cause problems.
Unfortunately , trichotillomania is a symptom. Of many underlying diagnoses.
What the diagnosis is, is CRITICAL, here.
Substantiate that opinion of yours with that of a Board Certified Psychiatrist. Someone with credentials. A good history and "Current status report", Be not an airman beating his chest (aka Johnny Weismueller) and crying out, "but I am OKAY!!!".

Remember FAA is based on "Expert testimony of external credentialled experts". And that last word "experts" pretty much lines out your PCP.
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