I wasn't following this thread but saw I was tagged. Hello all.
I probably won't read four pages, sorry. But, at the risk of opening a pandora's box (in which case disregard) wouldn't your Second Amendment Right protect you.. at least in a broad sense? There can be perfectly legitimate reasons for flying with a weapon, especially if you are over bear country and go down. Paranoia not withstanding (fine, I read
some of the thread)
(A) how about podunk airport in some state on your route where you bought gas have any idea what is with you?
(B) why would they care?
(C) why would it be wrong? Presumably, I assume at least in the US logically carriage would be allowed from state X-that-allows to state Y-that-allows.
On part C.. I quickly Googled that to check and found this AOPA hit:
The federal safe passage provision
The federal statute that has some applicability here is 18 USC 926A, Interstate Transportation of Firearms, known as the
Federal Safe Passage Act. This law provides that anyone who is not prohibited from possessing firearms under federal law (those prohibited include felons, the dishonorably discharged, etc.) may transport firearms from any place where they can lawfully possess and carry such firearms to any other place where they can lawfully possess and carry such firearms. If you can lawfully possess and carry a firearm in both Pennsylvania and Florida, then you can lawfully travel through any state in which you cannot lawfully possess and carry a firearm while on your way from Pennsylvania to Florida. In order to qualify for the federal protection afforded by the act, you have to comply with a few requirements such as unloading and storing the firearm
Cheers all.