Lol - laughing at my significant other calling me grumpy over this topic. Flame suit on.
IANA-IA, AP, or aviónics repair station. I’m a Joe. I have a few IA’s that have been friends a few decades. I’ve knocked out a GNS400w In an hour - and it’s not even my job. My first avionics install was a KCS55a in my 172 - THaT was a challenge.
- You can obtain ANY garmin installation manual directly and legally to the latest revisions. This is what shops use to install your avionics.
- 22759 and 27500 wire is readily available everywhere - including eBay.
- connectors, if not included, are available everywhere including Mouser and Steinair.
- tie wraps and lacing cord is readily available
- you don’t need AFM8 crimpers - they’re nice but there are less expensive positronic crimpers
If you’re old like me, get jeweler’s glasses. You’ll thank me later.
Let’s not even get into autopilots and HSI’s for now as that requires a little more work - just start with a boring GNS 430, even a W. A GTN is NOT substantially more complicated an install than a 430 save for pps/timing to an ADSB device.
- 3 connectors in a 430: 4001, 4002, 4006: 78 pin high density, 25 pin d-sub, and 44 pin HD connector.
No annunciation required if the gps doesn’t exceed field of view requirements. Pick a boring GI106 as an indicator.
Antennas are boring: COMM, NAV, GPS, glide slope. If your plane already has RG400, do they need to be replaced? Heck, Spruce can make the cable to length and crimp it for you while shipping to your home.
2 power and 2 ground crimps on 4002. Done. 3 pins for mic and 2 pins for audio. 2 more for nav audio and one more for ground. 2 more for lighting. Boom. So far? 13 squeezes of the crimper.
No nav? Got a GNS420w? No problem! Your little nav indicator for your vnav approaches are only 10 more crimps - 4 for vertical and lateral flags, 2 for to/from, left and right. We are up to 23 crimps. No com? You got a 400w? Skip a few crimps. 10 little green wires for the shields to ground. Those little heat shrink weld butt splices are the bomb, and you can buy grounding pigtails with them already attached. 2 more crimps to you for punishment if you chose a GI106 with annunciation instead of a KI206 or Collins indicator.
You got a garmin gtx transponder? Oh cool. One more crimp for rs232 in for altitude info from the transponder / encoder and a common / ground. 25 crimps
4 more on the DB25 for comm power and ground if you have a 420 or 430.
Storm scope WX500? Ooops- 10 more crimps for you.
Perhaps a couple more crimps depending on audio panel.
You want to be faaaaaancy and plug in ADSB in while you’re at it? Ok, there is a little bit more work for you.
Can you pick specific products to minimize or eliminate crimps? Suuuure you can. Pick the right encoder and BoOOm. Heck, your GTx345 can have a plug in encoder installed so you don’t have to run all those lines to it. Cake.
This isn’t about having more time than money - it certainly plays into it. But using a tule of thumb of 1:1 or 2:1 to justify labor? 156 hours? Come on. It’s not insulting enough that Garmin’s prices are inflated enough already…the Aera, Nuvi and zumo already share the same hardware, and the 430 was equally as recycled- but now aviónics shops print money using this rule of thumb, now turning their nose up at old avionics. Really? G5 install time is a joke, and now garmin “charges” for an STC along with JPi to reduce or eliminate the used market. GTFO.
I scoff at the idea that everyone must have a 650 and dual flat panels to keep up with the jonesses- garmin arbitrarily discontinuing support for certain GPS’s just grinds me.
22-25k for an install…what EVER.
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