Top Gun 3

The original is fine, I hope they just leave it alone. The military must be trying to boost their drone pilot operator recruitment.
YHGTBSM. How many years is Maverick going to be in the USN in this one??? Will he be recalled from the Old Sailors Home??? Will he be a honorary Flag Rank like Bud Anderson??? Will there be a AI Goose???

Inquiring minds want to know!
Mav re-cast as a woman of color and an alternate sexuality she is just dying to let the viewers learn about -- constantly. Other pilots in the squadron look like an old Benetton ad. Operation Inclusive Eagle does some 5-star maneuvers to destroy Russian oligarchs who are hiding in Trump's Mar-a-lago.

Streaming on Apple TV+

(I'd watch... but probably not with rapt attention)
Operation Inclusive Eagle does some 5-star maneuvers to destroy Russian oligarchs who are hiding in Trump's Mar-a-lago reading classified documents about Israel's plans to attack Gaza hospitals.

After all, it's too boring a movie if they're merely hiding...
Of course, they'll all be flying drones as well, and working from home.
In all seriousness, the stuff that this guy is developing is scary. I sure wouldn’t want to be flying in a future battlefield.

Well, Top Gun 2 was basically a Star Wars rehash (attacking the Death Star), so what will 3 be?
Well, Top Gun 2 was basically a Star Wars rehash (attacking the Death Star), so what will 3 be?
I like the idea of them pulling a story from for example the book "Yeager", or the book "To Fly and Fight"...and using Maverick's P-51 put Maverick in the seat!

seriously though
I'm currently listening to an interview of a USMC sniper
one of probably millions of stories or real events that make for a better story than almost any work of fiction

It just struck me, the thing that always bugged me about the original Top Gun...and the sequel as well...was sort of the "shallow-ness" of it. The story and production just seemed to ooze "cheesy". They were great efforts, but never the awesome movies in my opinion that most everyone made them out to be. The second was a bit better in some ways.... but all the all too obvious flaws just distracted me the whole time.... Would Ice in his age and health state still be active duty? Maverick still in the cockpit at that age? I know there's a cockyness and bravado expected in the "fighter jock community"...and maybe all that stuff was real....but I really have my doubts that the scenes in the O club or in the locker room, play off like they do in the movies. I just can't buy it.

I would love to see something done at the production level and quality of top gun, but on a more realistic sort of story.
Well, Top Gun 2 was basically a Star Wars rehash (attacking the Death Star), so what will 3 be?

I’m betting on a rehash of The Muppet Movie with a beat up old F14 taking the place of the beat up old Studebaker.
True - the original Top Gun, as well as the original Independence Day, the first and second Terminators and a few others are not Shakespeare. Just unapologetically basic good guy vs bad guy let’s go blow up the bad guy movies. God Bless America.

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Well, Top Gun 2 was basically a Star Wars rehash (attacking the Death Star), so what will 3 be?

Except that the Star Wars Death Star attack is a rehash of the 633 Squadron attack on the German rocket fuel plant (or was it heavy water) in a Finnish fiord.

Oh, but THAT is a rehash of the Dam Busters attack on the dams on WWII.

Dam Busters versus Star Wars -

Top Gun versus Star Wars -

There is one video where they overlaid the audio from one with the video of the other movie.

FYI 633 Squardon attack -
I really can’t name a sequel that I thought was better than the original. You can pour money into a sequel, bring in bigger actors and better CGI but it still won’t have the same feeling of the original. That’s because it’s a first. An original. After that you’re just rehashing what’s been already been done. Jurassic Park comes to mind.
Yep - Lucas watched a lot of WWII films for inspiration.
633 Squadron is a classic! Got it on Blu-ray.
Jurassic Park comes to mind.
Jurassic Park teaches a master class about good storytelling on film, including the concept of restraint, both in sequel making and in special effects use. To quote a character from the original, they were too preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn’t stop to think if they should.
Mav re-cast as a woman of color and an alternate sexuality she is just dying to let the viewers learn about -- constantly. Other pilots in the squadron look like an old Benetton ad. Operation Inclusive Eagle does some 5-star maneuvers to destroy Russian oligarchs who are hiding in Trump's Mar-a-lago.

Streaming on Apple TV+

(I'd watch... but probably not with rapt attention)

I mean, Charlie turned out to be LGBTQ in real life so, no big re-write needed. :biggrin:
I was torn on TG2. As far as aviation themed movies go it was pretty well done. I enjoyed the part some of the original cast members played. What annoyed me was some of the scenes modeled after the original that didn’t translate well to modern times. I also didn’t like the ground attack aspect though I realize having the ground in sight made for more exciting action scenes for the normal population. I think there is enough interest to keep the franchise going, they just need to know what to move away from and what to keep. TG2 was very nostalgia, I think TG3 needs to be its own movie.
In a discussion a few weeks ago on Reddit, I think the consensus was that a prequel that shows Duke Mitchell's mission could be really good. I have mixed feelings about a continuation. We all got surprised with how good TG2 was, but I just don't know if TG3 can reach the same quality mark.
I really can’t name a sequel that I thought was better than the original.

I dunno; I thought The Empire Strikes Back was a much better movie than the original Star Wars. Of the Indy franchise, #3 (The Last Crusade) was my favorite.

I was torn on TG2. As far as aviation themed movies go it was pretty well done. I enjoyed the part some of the original cast members played.

My favorite part was seeing that POS ATFLIR pod fail. Only believable part of the film. The USN should have bought Sniper pods instead.

Better yet, they should have just fired a JASSM and called it a day. (Of course, either option would have made for a much shorter movie....)

I really can’t name a sequel that I thought was better than the original.
The 5th-7th Fast and Furious movies were better than the original.

I thought the Dark Knight was better than Batman Begins.

There are a number of Marvel sequels that I thought were better than the original.

The Mission:Impossible movies got progressively better, if not monotonically so.

Same with Star Trek movies.

Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers was the apex of that series.

Maybe it's because Dr. No was way before my time, but I don't think it ranks as the best in the James Bond series.
Mav re-cast as a woman of color and an alternate sexuality she is just dying to let the viewers learn about -- constantly. Other pilots in the squadron look like an old Benetton ad. Operation Inclusive Eagle does some 5-star maneuvers to destroy Russian oligarchs who are hiding in Trump's Mar-a-lago.

Streaming on Apple TV+

(I'd watch... but probably not with rapt attention)
Worked out well for Disney
I dunno; I thought The Empire Strikes Back was a much better movie than the original Star Wars. Of the Indy franchise, #3 (The Last Crusade) was my favorite.

My favorite part was seeing that POS ATFLIR pod fail. Only believable part of the film. The USN should have bought Sniper pods instead.

Better yet, they should have just fired a JASSM and called it a day. (Of course, either option would have made for a much shorter movie....)

I can't remember the number, but I think we clinked off 8 -ER variant of those puppies at White Sands 16 years ago, in support of the flight test folks. Most expensive flight undertaken to date for me, that's for sure. Sneaky boom boom rocket.
Please. None of the Indy sequels beats Raiders. Like saying Jaws III was the best because it was 3D. Now 5-7 of Fast & Furious? Yes, those were works of art.
Superman II might edge out the original.
None of the Indy sequels beats Raiders.

Sorry, no.

Raiders has a crap story line, as the central character has no effect on the outcome. Take Indy out of the story and the same stuff still happens. In Crusade, Indy is key to the plot resolution. Much, much better story.
The Mosquito is my favorite aircraft. I think of it as the first composite (plywood) plane.
I don't think it was the first. It was more of a throwback.

But if I win a big lottery jackpot, I am calling the company in NZ that can build you a new one. One Mk VI please.
Sorry, no.

Raiders has a crap story line, as the central character has no effect on the outcome. Take Indy out of the story and the same stuff still happens. In Crusade, Indy is key to the plot resolution. Much, much better story.

You sound like the girls on Big Bang Theory. :D
In TG2 WHY are they popping flares against radar guided SAMs?????

Why not just say the ingress is protected by IR SAMs, so flares make sense?
I really can’t name a sequel that I thought was better than the original.
Totally subjective, of course, but...

I agree with the previously mentioned Dark Knight and Empire Strikes Back.

And I'll add Aliens and National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
In TG2 WHY are they popping flares against radar guided SAMs?????

Why not just say the ingress is protected by IR SAMs, so flares make sense?
You can easily disregard why they didn’t have a half dozen Growlers to deal with the SAMs behind a metric crap-ton of HARM PET shots…. It’s a movie