Toledo mayor has solution for airport noise


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Midlothian, TX
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With an increasing number of flights at Toledo Express Airport, neighbors have complained about the noise from jets, and the agency that operates the airport has been buying up houses because the noise exceeds Government standards.

Mayor Carty Finkbeiner suggested at a staff meeting that a way to resolve complaints about airport noise would be to move deaf people into the neighborhood.

This same mayor just caused a ruckus when he turned away troops he'd invited to town for training, promising free hotel rooms. When they showed up, he felt they'd scare the fine folks of Toledo and made them leave.

Need to hook this guy up with Da Mayer in Chicago... what a team they'd make!
Do you think deaf people would come to their hearing? tehehe... okay bad joke, I couldn't help it!
Troy, not that I'm calling you out or anything, but do you really expect us to believe that the mayor of Toledo Ohio is named - Carty Finkbeiner? :eek:

Just raggin ya. This guy is a tool, a tool from Toledo.
For the longest time the closet new development we had was the Del Webb senior homes just under downwind. I always thought that was a perfect match. but I was told that one of the old folks floated a petition against the airport once.

We since got new home on nearly all sides. No complaints, though.
What about people understanding that if you live near an airport, you'll have airplane noise? In New York City, we have three major airports, and that about guarantees taht wherever you are, you have a good chance of hearing airplane noise. When I was a mechanic, the shop happened to be directly on the route to or from JFK for the jets. So, we heard them flying overhead. You tune it out after a bit.

The only plane that you couldn't tune out was the Concorde. That thing was ridiculously loud, on the level of fighter jets. Even with that, we about got to the point where we just didn't care anymore, but we usually went outside to watch it fly over when we heard it coming. I remember watching it fly its last flight before being decomissioned.

Having spent the first 18 years of my life in New York, people need to stop complaining.
Yeesh. Da Mayor is proof positive that if you stay in Toodilydoo long enough you can run things. I grew up in T-town, and this guy was a public joke back then. Why am I not surprised when he says stupid things. It's Toledo!
Wasn't Klinger from Toledo... that's all I need to know about the town. ; )