Time Waster

No idea what buttons to push. Figured it out. Turned a profit in 11 days.

Definitely a time-waster. :thumbsup:
Been waiting patiently for the usual suspects to jump in and tell us that we're all idiots because it is just a useless simulator. But they disappoint. So far, nothing. Hmm.
Or do you need to post this on the red board? :)
Been waiting patiently for the usual suspects to jump in and tell us that we're all idiots because it is just a useless simulator. But they disappoint. So far, nothing. Hmm.
Or do you need to post this on the red board? :)

Can I log time spent operating the simulator? :stirpot:
Definitely broken on iOS.

Played a bit on one of those annoying computers that takes up your whole lap or sits there wasting good desk space for writing with a pen. :)