I am in the midst of renewing my plane's insurance.
Hull value has not changed even though the market is apparently on fire, and I think a notch up is prudent.
Pilots have not changed, they have just gotten more experienced. We are all in our 40s so we're not slamming into the age wall (yet? I hope )
I was asked for Pilot History Forms >3 months< in advance of our renewal date.
Our current policy expires next week.
I have no quote.
I have a lame note from my broker whimpering about how long everything is taking in insurance and how they're doing their best.
I am about to relocate the plane, so I would have enjoyed time to consider a hull value change, the relocation cost, and possibly reducing the approved pilots on the list.
My question:
How long are you guys' renewals taking? 3 months? more?
My broker is well-regarded, but my spidey sense tingles a little bit here. The whole scenario benefits him.
We will be quoted with times from 3+ months ago, not current times ( = potentially higher premiums)
I certainly won't have time to shop another broker, even though it wouldn't change the quotes
I certainly won't have much time to push back on any underwriter demands that I disagree with.
When I received the whinge-o-gram last Friday, I popped off a quote request to Avemco on Friday evening (late), got a call Monday morning, and a quote Monday afternoon. It's a 15% increase, but that's about what I'm braced for anyway. My questions were answered, the call was friendly, they're ready to cash my check and get me insurance. You know, how it is supposed to work?
So it's possible to do normal insurance business right now. It's not like they made 100,000 new planes last year that all need underwriting.
Please let me know if I'm holding it wrong, if my broker sucks, or the market is really this stupid right now.
- Mike
I am in the midst of renewing my plane's insurance.
Hull value has not changed even though the market is apparently on fire, and I think a notch up is prudent.
Pilots have not changed, they have just gotten more experienced. We are all in our 40s so we're not slamming into the age wall (yet? I hope )
I was asked for Pilot History Forms >3 months< in advance of our renewal date.
Our current policy expires next week.
I have no quote.
I have a lame note from my broker whimpering about how long everything is taking in insurance and how they're doing their best.
I am about to relocate the plane, so I would have enjoyed time to consider a hull value change, the relocation cost, and possibly reducing the approved pilots on the list.
My question:
How long are you guys' renewals taking? 3 months? more?
My broker is well-regarded, but my spidey sense tingles a little bit here. The whole scenario benefits him.
We will be quoted with times from 3+ months ago, not current times ( = potentially higher premiums)
I certainly won't have time to shop another broker, even though it wouldn't change the quotes
I certainly won't have much time to push back on any underwriter demands that I disagree with.
When I received the whinge-o-gram last Friday, I popped off a quote request to Avemco on Friday evening (late), got a call Monday morning, and a quote Monday afternoon. It's a 15% increase, but that's about what I'm braced for anyway. My questions were answered, the call was friendly, they're ready to cash my check and get me insurance. You know, how it is supposed to work?
So it's possible to do normal insurance business right now. It's not like they made 100,000 new planes last year that all need underwriting.
Please let me know if I'm holding it wrong, if my broker sucks, or the market is really this stupid right now.
- Mike