Time for my personal borescope.


Pattern Altitude
Aug 8, 2018
Erie, CO
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I was supposed to have it last year but missed the message on my health care site until last week. Surprisingly, I got scheduled for one barely a week later. Considering how long it took me to see the message, I'm glad to have gotten scheduled so soon.

I just barely started prepping. It's some combination of polyethylene glycol, and lots of other exotic chemicals. This combo is a first for me.
The last time I had it, it took hours for it to have an effect, and I was wondering if I would ever react. I needn't have worried.
The prep issues vs. not testing: chicken dinner rules apply. Go early, go often.
Did #3 in November. Found two polyps for the second time. Didn’t get the 10 year wave off, so getting another one in 2026. Hate doing them, but way better than some of the options if one doesn’t get checked.
Depends on which prep you use. GoLitely (a misnomer if I've ever heard it) is poly glycol as you mention. The better one is called Suprep and that's a combination of magnesium sulfate (epson salts) and potassium sulfate. The results are pretty much the same. Stay near the toilet.

When I had my appointment for Cameron Diaz last year they called me at the last minute and demanded a COVID test. I told them if I started the prep and they didn't give me the colonoscopy there'd be hell to pay.
Suprep is vastly better than the PG prep. Two batches to drink, yeah salty, but I’ll take that any day over trying to gag down a gallon of the other stuff. Either way, I’m glad I don’t have to go back for another 9-1/2 years.
Came here expecting a tool thread… :(
One day a coworker wanted to borrow my little portable borescope. When someone asked me what it was, I told him it was the new Textron corporate cost savings measure, do-it-yourself colonoscopy. Amusingly, the thing has a warning on it that says do not use it to inspect body parts.
I know it's not Friday Joke day, but who cares...

Guy goes to get a colonoscopy. For some reason they don't sedate him. Partway through the procedure, the doctor says "well, we are in as far as we need to go. Now we will start to remove the scope."

"How much does that instrument cost?" the guy wants to know.

The doctor says, "I'm not sure, why do you want to know?"

"Because if it's going to hurt as much coming out as it does going in, I'm going to buy it from you and keep it!"
I was disappointed when I opened the thread, because I really wanted to make a colonoscopy joke.
whichever prep method you use, follow the directions! I haven't had a problem with any of mine, but my wife who's not the most diligent when it comes to reading or following directions, had a very fast session with the scope & had to do it again another day very soon.... not a happy household....
I mostly followed the directions, and everything was coming out clean by the time I made it to the clinic. I had solid food for breakfast, so that had the surgeon a little concerned, and warned me he might not do the whole (hole) ;)thing, but he did. I remember looking at the time 4:47 when they started, and the next thing I knew, they were pulling the scope out. For the first time ever, I was polyp free, but I still need to go back in 5 years. :( I've been getting regular exercise, and eating a good-sized salad almost every night, so that might have helped. They said nothing about diverticulitis. Besides salads, I also eat a lot of fiber. That's guaranteed to help.
Whatever happened to the promised camera pill?

It's out there, but most gastros don't want to use it, unless the patient is considered high risk for anesthesia or has other complications. A history of several scope jobs with no polyps or indications of potential problems and they will lean more to using it. I asked my guy in the first scope conference about it and he indicated that if we used it and saw anything questionable, then I'd be getting on the table for normal scope job.
Whatever happened to the promised camera pill?

You have to still do the prep which some argue is the worst part. Then if it sees polyps, you get to do the prep all over again and do the real colonoscopy to remove them.

The camera is useful when they want to see the small intestine, not reachable from the normal endoscopies from the top or the bottom.
I didn't mind the prep, though it did cure me of any desire to ever again drink gatoroaide. It was the trauma to my lower intestine that bothered me.
I didn't mind the prep, though it did cure me of any desire to ever again drink gatoroaide. It was the trauma to my lower intestine that bothered me.

It's the blue Gatorade that makes me queasy ...
Last time mine was at 3:00PM ...it was a long day with no breakfast or lunch.

I woke up during the procedure, told the nurse I did not like the movie playing on the screen and conked back asleep !

Now, they send you home with pics...WTF ? Does anybody need to see this ?
Now, they send you home with pics...WTF ? Does anybody need to see this ?
I am genuinely sorry that I didn't forget the anesthesia and watch what was going on the monitors. Would have been fascinating. Can't imagine why anyone wouldn't.
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I am genuinely sorry that I didn't forget he anesthesia and watch what was going on the monitors. Would have been fascinating. Can't imagine why anyone wouldn't.

The movie was not entertaining like when Harrison Ford was riding on the trolly thru the mine shaft...:)
I try to get such procedures scheduled first thing in the morning. Get it done and then go have a hearty brunch.
I finally scheduled in Feb, just overdue by 15 months or so, be glad to get it over with. I guess it’s better than not catching something that’s preventable.

Last time I asked for extra sedative & go heavy on the lube. I closed my eyes & the next thing I knew I was in the recovery room.
The first time I was at the new gastro's facility they gave me driving directions and told me to park behind the building and there was an entrance from that parking lot. I'm mindlessly writing and repeating "colonoscopy, enter in the rear." She said they've heard that one before. I wasn't even trying to be funny.

I'm thinking of shoving a "remove before flight" ribbon in my butt before the next one.