Spike: We were taking my buddy's Fiesler to the air show at Carswell. He didn't have a radio in it at the time, so we had to be accompanied by a radio equipped escort. Our friend that was flying escort, was in his L-5. John came over from where he kept the L-5 and paired up with us after we lifted off Oliver Farms. The winds were more out of the west at that time than any other direction. We got about 3 miles west and they really picked up and started to swing to coming out of the south. John was hanging on full flaps and just above a stall and was still running away from us in the Fiesler while at max continuous power. We finally got far enough west to turn south on a long direct final into the base. John finally had to pull up the flaps and go land and take on fuel as he was down to less than a quarter tank at that point. The only way we ended up being able to make any forward progress to the south, was to climb to several thousand feet and then nose over and dive to about 2000' and repeat. When we finally landed, the tower guys had to come look at the airplane, as they couldn't belive we were so slow and not a helo or balloon.
Ended up being a fun show, but I spent Sunday morning out there doing a brake and wheel bushing overhaul on it due to having to taxi more than 2 miles on the field. The Fiesler was never designed with a need to taxi that far at one time.