FYI.... The Tiki Bar at Ft Pierce closes early afternoons. The FBO has crew cars, but we got tired of waiting for one to come back after an hour and left.
Skip Freeport and Nassau. Abacos is more for boaters in my opinion. Treasure is good for kids. Spanish Wells is great for fishing or just plain vegging out on a pristine beach. There are taxis from N. Eleuthera airport to the water taxi to SW.
FPR is a good return AOE. Pull on to the customs ramp, grab a dolly and unload all your crap, push inside and get xrayed. Do NOT, bring back any food. If you do, declare it. But you might end up with an international waste charge, even for prepackaged food. The FBO will tug you the 100 yards over to their ramp when customs is done or you can leave out from there.
Fly early to avoid convection. It's no joke out there. It will come up quick and you are SOL.....Bermuda Triangle Sheeeet, ya know.....
If it were me, I would just grab some coastguard vests. If you go down, SAR will be on you pretty quickly in that area. We fly with manual inflation vests from Mustang, I have a EPIRB, wife has an EPIRB and I also wear a fanny pack with 550 cord, carabiners, peanut butter packets, gum, sunscreen, a knife, green glow sticks, $100 in $5 bills, and few other items I can't recall right now. There is so much boat traffic, that if I am making an unintended stop in the middle of that area, I start looking for boats and aim for one making wake. I intend on landing somewhere off the bow. I also set a user weigh point for the halfway point between the two land masses. If Im' past it, I will ditch ahead. If not, a 180 back towards the US.
Bottom line...... Grab a couple inflatable vests, an EPIRB, a full tank out of FPR and fly high for best glide.
Get your CBP sticker now for the plane. Get your eAPIS account going. Make sure your passports are not expired. You must be talking to ATC and on a VFR or IFR plan. Open/close plans in the air with Nassau radio.
Make sure you have cash. I'll say again, cash. Everything is just about double or more US prices. Most places do not take cards. Some will, with a service fee. But cash is the standard. $50 inbound customs and $25 per passenger outbound fee.
Hope that helps.