Thinking about a Blimp

I know that the Goodyear blimp has pre-programmed stuff for their display. I also know that they can't program it to read "Tim is awesome" in flight.

I asked.
You want an LTA-Airship rating, I'll sell my rating.

We could type up stuff to run on the screen we had, but rarely did. Just ran pre-programmed stuff, or on occasion they'd link live footage up to us, but it was a total pain to set that up. No idea what Goodyear can do.
The Goodyear "Blimpworthy" commercials make me cringe, BTW. What a stupid commercial.
so, did you get your blimp? I was just sitting here wondering.......
Add a BRS....which is BlimpRecoverSystem...which is actually just another blimp stored inside :)


If you can swing it I think there should be no N-Numbers, just names. Not sure if the Germans should be allowed.

Could give STOL competitions a whole new meaning.
you could land at a line before you take off