Therapy Impacts on Aviation Medical



I've been a pilot for years...but only as an interest or hobby. Lately, I've had challenges with my mental health that has me considering seeing a physchologist or therapist. I'm dealing with obsessive thoughts and depression that is making life very difficult. I understand that going to a therapist has complications with aviation medical, which is why I've always been hesitant to go. I've tried sort of the self-help route, exercise, eating right, and so on - but at the point now where I don't feel like I have a choice.

What resources are there so that I can go into this informed? The thought of never being able to fly again due to this both complicates and adds to my anxiety and issues (which in itself seems like an unintended consequence of the current rules/regulations).

I want to get better - but how can I be smart about this and not set off certain flags that would stop me from ever flying again?
Are there things I need to put in motion for that now before getting too far with Therapy? My concern is getting to a point where I lose my medical and get caught in a web of special issuances and other things. I just want to do it the right way.
Switch to Basic Med right now and go get the help you need. Just don’t renew your medical next time it’s due; let it expire all on its own.

For Basic Med, the only mental health conditions that would force you into an SI situation are:

  • A mental health disorder, limited to an established medical history or clinical diagnosis of—
    • A personality disorder that is severe enough to have repeatedly manifested itself by overt acts;
    • A psychosis, defined as a case in which an individual —
      • Has manifested delusions, hallucinations, grossly bizarre or disorganized behavior, or other commonly accepted symptoms of psychosis; or
      • May reasonably be expected to manifest delusions, hallucinations, grossly bizarre or disorganized behavior, or other commonly accepted symptoms of psychosis;
    • A bipolar disorder; or
    • A substance dependence within the previous 2 years, as defined in §67.307(a)(4) of 14 Code of Federal Regulations

At least from what you’re telling us, none of those would seem to apply. If that’s correct, get Basic Med and at least you’ll take the flying worries off your mind.

Most importantly, though - GO GET HELP!
If you have held a medical after July 14, 2006 and can comply with the other requirements, you can start flying under BasicMed now. If you hold a current medical, there is no need to wait for it to expire.
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