The healing continues


Jul 27, 2005
Ocean City, MD
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A quick update...

Mary is making progress and has surgery scheduled for early August on her L1 back fracture.

Im working towards release from the rehab center. Dealing with the many fractures in my back, sternum, ribs, skull and of course the stinking broken tib/fib in my right leg.

Special thanks to Candy and Mark (BAC) for coming to our rescue, you guys are lifesavers. Also a thanks to all who visited, sent cards, texted and called to check on us.

Get shoulder belts! It’s easier than making your face into a pizza.


So happy to see you getting better Gary. You and Mary will continue to be in my prayers. Update us as you can.
Glad to hear it Gary. I was in DC about the time this happened, and I really wanted to come see you in the hospital, but I didn't want to get in the way. I hope you heal up, and begin flying again!
How does that saying go, "I'd hate to see the other guy..." Well, I guess I'd hate to see that dash board! Get better Gary.
Thanks for the update and best wishes for Mary's surgery.

The facial scars just make a person sexier ;)

Seriously, we take to heart your advice from your first hand experience!
I'm hoping you heal quick, get good pain meds and have cute nurses. second pic already looks significantly better than the first one.
Best wishes to you both,hoping for a speedy recovery.
Glad you are on the mend! I fly a couple of older planes without shoulder harnesses. I keep begging the owners to get them installed.
Sooner you're better, sooner you're flying again!
Wow...this is why I always wear my shoulder harnesses even though they are bit awkward (due to the fact that they are mounted directly above instead of behind like most harnesses). Heal up!
Gell well bro.....

btw, the name Spot is over rated.
Gary, I understand if you don’t want to answer the question, especially on the internet. From the pictures I saw, it looks like you landed gear up. Was that because that’s what it took to glide to where you needed to get to, or you thought that was best for where you where landing, or perhaps, since you are new to the airplane and most of your time is in a Sundowner, that you just didn’t think about it (perfectly acceptable considering the situation) ?

“None of your damn business” is an acceptable response. As a pilot and CFI, I’m just curious.
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Godspeed on the recovery for you and Mary. Tough to see (and read) about the injuries, but knowing a recovery is well under way is great news!
Wonderful to hear you both are steadily recovering, Gary.
Praying Mary's surgery and your rehabs result in a complete recovery.
Thanks for the update.
Praying for you and Mary’s speedy recovery.
Get well soon!

And yeah, I'm never stepping into an airplane that doesn't have shoulder belts.
An excellent way to put it.

I live with a wound care nurse. Haha. She has patients who aren’t that injured but have other systemic reasons they can’t heal properly from injuries, and it breaks her heart when the healing trend is going the wrong direction.

Other things can cause it also, like nasty infections that have little to do with the patient’s overall health, but send things spiraling the wrong way, through no real fault of the patient.

She and her co-workers get almost personally insulted at those cases when they can’t heal somebody up. Makes them angry. They want to heal people not watch them get worse.

She had a new patient come in with a referral to the wound care clinic with 16 wounds that won’t heal today. They’re attacking them and seeing what direction they can get the healing process to go.

They’ve saved limbs from being amputated and had Doc against Doc arguments between the surgeon who wanted to remove hands or feet, and the wound care clinic head Doc saying he could save them. It’s fascinating to me what they can do these days.

Growth business. Mostly due to their successes. They’re opening another wound care clinic soon. Results do count, amazingly enough, even as messed up as medical businesses are these days.
Thanks for the update and best wishes for speedy recovery!
Glad to hear things are progressing well for both you and Mary. Appreciate the update! Maybe some time in the future, when things are back to normal, we all can hear the story.
Keep healing, Gary and Mary!
I had my follow-up doctor's visit today and it looks like I'm going to need more surgery. Needless to say I'm not a happy camper. It's good to have friends make me laugh , I'll need those laughs once facing the next round of surgery.

One Day at a Time , one battle at a time , I'll get through this. I'm lucky to have such a supportive bride by my side.

Train hard , fly safe .
Gary, I was sad to read of this, and I’m happy you and your wife are still with us and on the mend. My thoughts are with both of you for a full and speedy recovery.

I’m mainly a lurker here (I’m not a pilot, I’ve only logged a few lessons) and have really enjoyed your posts over the past few years. As others have mentioned in the first thread, you’re definitely one of the “good guys” here on POA.

I’m in the Wilmington area about 15 minutes from ILG, and I felt a “local” connection while reading your posts when you were based there. I’m guessing living in OC is a lot more fun than Wilmington ;)

Just wanted to pass on some well wishes from SGOTI, and once again, all the best to you and Mary for a full and fast recovery :)

Brian P.
Very sorry to hear more surgery, but we're all pulling for you and your wife. Get well soon!!!
There is one positive that may come out of this......

One result of the surgery is you might come out handsome....

Just joking there buddy....:rofl::rofl:

Remember there is a lot of folks here praying for you and your wife to recover fully.
Gary, I understand if you don’t want to answer the question, especially on the internet. From the pictures I saw, it looks like you landed gear up. Was that because that’s what it took to glide to where you needed to get to, or you thought that was best for where you where landing, or perhaps, since you are new to the airplane and most of your time is in a Sundowner, that you just didn’t think about it (perfectly acceptable considering the situation) ?

“None of your damn business” is an acceptable response. As a pilot and CFI, I’m just curious.

Damn Dave, ya coulda asked that in a PM. Just saying man.
I had my follow-up doctor's visit today and it looks like I'm going to need more surgery. Needless to say I'm not a happy camper. It's good to have friends make me laugh , I'll need those laughs once facing the next round of surgery.

One Day at a Time , one battle at a time , I'll get through this. I'm lucky to have such a supportive bride by my side.

Train hard , fly safe .

Yes. One day at a time. Hang in there Gary. Hope your bride is still supplying you with hoagies. ;):)
I just wanted to provide an update....

Happy and healthy new year to all!

I posted some pictures and the brief narrative from the aircraft investigation. I am still waiting on the final report to be released. No video to share, at least no yet. My Garmin VIRB is still being held hostage.

I'm still in PT twice a week and once again driving. Still on a cane but pushing hard to get along without it. Mary is doing good, actually at our club house taking a water aerobics class. She has her good days and bad, don't we all.