The DNA Song

Gad. They're making you teach the freshmen again? Even worse, the humanities majors....
You gotta be kidding...

I sure hope these students aren't pre-med.
Makes me think of Geology 101..."Rocks for Jocks" when I was going to school...the dead easiest science course you could ever take.

Then there was the English class they let Engineers get away with...I thnk we had to do a 2,000 word essay at one point in the class...oh the horror.
Abdominal organs can be transposed side to side (situs inversus)... I have a patient with situs inversus of the heart... On the times I have had a student in the office I might casually say, "Check her heart murmur and see how it is doing today." The looks in their faces are priceless as they frantically search all over the left side of her chest trying to hear the "murmur" (she doesn't have a murmur)...