The best weather on the Internet for pilots


Pre-takeoff checklist
Dec 6, 2005
Charlotte, NC
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Wow, Scott!! That looks awesome!!
Ive been a user for a while now (which is free), does your site file flight plans and offer QICP weather.
Maybe it should be free. Not many are interested in paying to look at weather.
The Weather Channel paid for wunderground...
I paid to attend a 2-day workshop with Scott D 2 weekends ago. It was well worth the couple hundred bucks I spent.

I hope Scott doesn't mind the free plug, but a of the things that stuck with me were the accident investigations that we discussed that were weather related that a Standard Breifing would not warn the pilot about. That was quite profound. The discussions on "missing" data and incorrect Wx information in the AIM and used in ground school was also eye opening.

My Wx understanding has been increased and although it was targeted toward the IR pilot, I got a lot out of it as a VFR only pilot.
There are some good weather sites out there with lots of different flavors. Some are better than others. If they're free, they have to monitized in some way (unless the creator is a hobbyist). Scott is a well known pro, considered an expert by many. This isn't his hobby, it is his profession. I don't expect him to work for free.
There are some good weather sites out there with lots of different flavors. Some are better than others. If they're free, they have to monitized in some way (unless the creator is a hobbyist). Scott is a well known pro, considered an expert by many. This isn't his hobby, it is his profession. I don't expect him to work for free.

Nope - and not to belabor the point in his classifieds thread, but I would pay a lot of money for Scott's expertise - this is a bargain compared to what I feel this is really worth.
Well wing x is a gps and gets all the weather I need for $99. Just saying I can go anywhere online and pull weather free. Maybe I just don't get it???
You probably are not the target audience, pigpen.

I found Scott's site wonderful for filling in gaps on my weather knowledge while I was still a "blue sky for me" flier, and now that I'm wrapping up the instrument stuff I'll rejoin to get all the things filled-in I wanted to know but didnt have the rating to attempt to fly around :)

I went thru 7-9 of Scott's online courses a while ago and do alot of VFR cross country - real xc - like OH to WI and FL to OH. While I think I am amateur-hour-weather-skills; I am light years ahead of other pilots in knowing how to interpret typical forecasts and conditions... I thank Scott's courses for this :)

No relationship to Scott - I'm not even a current subscriber (stearman flying + other hobbies in the way this summer)... will be soon again...


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