That first step is a Mach 1 doozy!


Touchdown! Greaser!
Gone West
Feb 12, 2005
Lake County, IL
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Frenchman Michel Fournier is readying himself and equipment to attempt a record-setting free fall from the stratosphere.

Dubbed "The Big Jump", Fournier is eyeing next month for his supersonic free fall from about 130,000 feet (40 kilometers)—roughly 25 miles above the Earth. ...

If successful, Fournier will beat four world parachutist’s records from the border of space:

  • Altitude record for freefall
  • Altitude record for human balloon flight
  • Time record for longest freefall
  • Speed record for fastest freefall—breaking the sound barrier in the process
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good luck to him. My glider instructor has corresponded with Joe Kittinger regarding high altitude survival equipment. His interest was in super high altitude wave flights in gliders (above 50,000) and the pressure suits and physiological needs that go with it. considering that Joe did it back in the 60s when the technology was primitive, I have a lot of respect for him. And i would want a stabilization chute too, jeepers, to get upset and go into a tumble up there would not be any fun.
Well I heard on the radio that the balloon took off without him. Apparently, it detached from the gondola! Maybe he should take this as an omen and not attempt it?