Texas - Fort Parker Taylorcraft Cub Champ 120/140 Fly-In Apr 24-26


Oct 28, 2014
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Jack Fleetwood
Fort Parker is a great venue. We've been having Taylorcraft and Cessna 120/140 Fly-Ins there for a few years as well as other fly-ins. Jed Keck owns the field and Darius Farmer is the caretaker. They always make sure we have a good time. For those who don't want to camp, they have some rooms to rent at great rates. I'll warn you, it's a 2,000' strip with 60' trees on the North end. Click Here to go to their website for location.

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Fort Parker is a great venue. We've been having Taylorcraft and Cessna 120/140 Fly-Ins there for a few years as well as other fly-ins. Jed Keck owns the field and Darius Farmer is the caretaker. They always make sure we have a good time. For those who don't want to camp, they have some rooms to rent at great rates. I'll warn you, it's a 2,000' strip with 60' trees on the North end. Click here to go to their website for directions.

Just FYI, that's a broken link (code shows the URL as "Click to go to" as well as the text).
It is pretty awesome. It's also a historic site. Fort Parker is where Quanah Parker's mother was kidnapped by the Comanches. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quanah_Parker

My nthGGrandfather was killed there (Samuel Frost). If anyone is related feel free to PM me.

I would certainly fly up there if my club allowed sod landings. Been there, neat place.