While I agree EAA has fixed a few things, I must admit AirVenture has begun to shift my opinion of them. It used to be a lot more aviation stuff in the hangars, lots more stuff in the hangars, and less expensive. They just seem to live for monetizing the experience - with tons of free volunteer labor. We still go and will continue but it has shifted. Yes, I know - there are fewer vendors out there to come in the first place but in talking with many, it sounds like EAA has jacked up their prices. The FlyMarket used to be a fun diversion but they’ve apparently priced out a lot of players there.
Plus I felt like they monetized the LODA thing and other rally-the-troops issues that would likely have fixed themselves in about the same amount of time. We’re still members because of the AirVenture discount and magazine but they do seem to have shifted to becoming a bigger-overhead organization with less of a “grass roots” feel.