Talk Like a Priate Meetup


Taxi to Parking
Jul 19, 2005
Variable, but somewhere on earth
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Ahoy me buckos!

As ye all may know the annual Talk Like a Pirate Day 2011 be approaching smartly. Arrrrrr!

Me mateys and I be wanting to host a Talk Like a Pirate Fly-in if ye are willing to to come about and hoist the sails fer full speed ahead!!! AARRrrrr!

This Cap'n be thinkin' that we celebrate one day early on the 18th at 06C at that scurvy dog's place, Pilot Pete's! He be a right bilge rat who would appreciate a bunch of hearty buccaneers boarding his fine establishment!

So what say ye?

Thar be other meet ups if ye not be able to get yur scupper into the 06C area

And if ye do come and tries to order ketchup on a hot dog we'll make ye walk the plank!!!! AAARRRGGGHHHH!
I was wondering what a Priate was...

The closest word I can find in the dictionary is "Prate".

prate   [preyt] Show IPA verb, prat·ed, prat·ing, noun
verb (used without object)

1. to talk excessively and pointlessly; babble: They prated on until I was ready to scream.

Seems about right. :rolleyes: :D
If ye really be wantin' to talk like a pirate, me hearty, ye best click this link and get an education!
