Swan’s island tree trimming

That was about the best case scenario for a crash that I can imagine.
If I ever have to go into trees I hope it's like that one.
Cessna123, do you require assistance after that crash.??

Crash.?? That was no crash, I always land like this...
Prop is moving, but flaps are up. Loss of power at take-off?
This video has a little more info, said it was part of a go-around. The airport is rather marginal, 1500’ runway, poor condition. I think the pilot was from NY.



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Prop is moving, but flaps are up. Loss of power at take-off?
Sounds normal for a 150.
This video has a little more info, said it was part of a go-around. The airport is rather marginal, 1500’ runway, poor condition. I think the pilot was from NY.

That’s probably the bigger issue…if the pilot was near the runway before going around, there’s no way he’d clear those trees at the end of 1500 ft.
That’s unfortunate. Hate to see a square-tail 172 balled up.
Looks like he might should have grabbed flaps 10.
Looked to me like he just couldn't leave them trees alone ...