Survived my first OSH Adventure


Line Up and Wait
Dec 18, 2013
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Mr Fred
Flew in Sunday morning just in time for the Mooney mass arrival to fly over us while Heading to RIPON (this was neat to see). Camped in the N40 row 520 something (cant remember) just 2 rows down from Jay Honeck and the Amelia's Landing camp. (met Jay briefly on way into the events yesterday).

Wife went with and absolutely loved it, she told me I will not be allowed to come to another one without her. :dunno:

Left Tuesday afternoon ahead of the small storm, pickup IFR clearance from Green bay no problem and caught a 35kt tailwind all the way home (about 165 in a AA5B:D) .

Lessons learned from first event
Solar charger for Ipads is the way to go, plug in before you leave camp and come back to 100% charge.

Small ultra light camping chairs in a back pack for air shows or a place to sit while hiking around is on the list for next year.

Bring less food (we had a few lunches and dinners) cause we left camp in the morning and didnt make it back until evening and just ate the tent food available while on the move.

When departing camp just taxi to where there is a gate area (flag line with knot hanging in middle) with one the volunteers nearby and they will open the line for you to depart. When we asked a few experienced osh pilots they didnt know the procedure, including the departure booth volunteers so we walked up to a flag person and asked.

Take more pictures - I am already starting to forget what I saw the first day from sensory overload.

We will be back next year and schedule a few more days so we can spend more time just sitting and taking in the environment. :)
That sounds great, nice wind for the ride home. I'm done for the year too. limited time off, back to work.

Now someone else can have your spot. See you next year, at RIPON.
Glad you enjoyed the experience. OSH is always fun.

I like hearing first timers experiences. I have been twice and my third try was during the WETAirventure 2 years ago (made it to Madison and met some really nice Mooney pilots also waiting for the field to open up).

I think it is great your wife wants to go back. I am fortunate to have had a similar situation. I plan on going next year and look forward to it ;)

I think it is great your wife wants to go back.

I'll quote Gordon Baxter ("Flying Magazine" "Bax Seat") and a hell of an author and pilot, at a party when somebody said something like that, only that his (then-wife) DIDN'T want to go back ...

"That's what my FIRST wife said ..."
