The Supreme Court has upended the regulatory process with the end of the Chevron deference.
And from a post on Beechtalk:
“As I write from the bridge of my commercial fishing vessel in Alaska, reading about SCOTUS disallowing a government agency the National Marine Fisheries Service, to mandate observers on commercial fishing vessels on the East coast I can tell you this: Observers are essential to our business. They sample every tow and extrapolate out exactly how much of a species we catch, which goes against the quota set by the same agency.
The fishery's in Alaska are the best regulated and managed in the world. The fishing is just as good today as when I started 30 years ago.
I bought a trawler out of New Bedford expecting the same excellent management of the East coast fisheries, and boy was I surprised. There are no observers. The cheating is epidemic. When I mentioned to one guy that 4,000 lbs of scallops he was bringing in was quite different from the 400Lb limit, I was threatened with being shot. You may remember the "Cod Father" case. One of the largest commercial fishing enterprises in New Bedford was finally busted after decades of systemic overfishing and fraud.
All easily prevented by having NMFS Observers aboard the vessels. And NMFS Enforcement at the dock when you try to cheat.
I live on Cape Cod and most residents will never catch a cod off their beaches because the cod fishery has been destroyed by overfishing. Read: "Cod" by Mark Kurlansky.
I sold that trawler and never looked back. As far as I am concerned that fishery is one giant criminal enterprise. I wanted no part of it.
The Supreme Court today reminds me of young people who read Ayn Rand for the first time. Sure, let the Midas"s of the world do their thing because that is enterprise in its purest form. Government interference just drags down their supernatural ability to do good.
GE dumped millions of gallons of PCBs in the Hudson River and my state Massachusetts and Jack Welch, GE's Midas, brilliantly got the company off the hook of having to clean the %#$@ up. Garbage loans were bundled into AAA securities and sold after Regan AND Clinton gutted banking regulations. That turned out well huh?
Just like the folks who think Communism is great, "from each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs" the simple factor of human nature is left out. And in turn we end up with the Stalin's and Pol Pots.
James Madison, the "Master architect of the Constitution" said it best: “If Men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and the next place, oblige it to control itself.”
Thank God men like Madison arsed themselves to form our government, and not some of the bought and paid for shills who populate SCOTUS today.
Currently, this moment, I am jogging my vessel after catching over 100 tons of Mackerel last night. The east coast will never again see fishing like that in my lifetime. Properly managed, by a government agency with teeth, it would have.
Last edited on 30 Jun 2024, 15:04, edited 2 times in total.”