I was never particularly fond of or good at shooting ADF approaches, but it was one of the primary three approaches back in the days I was rated. I still see beauty in the simplicity of that system. I'm sad in a way to see that it has gone to the point of uselessness.... and from my perspective not knowing all the particulars of the systems, I feel strongly that ADF would make a vastly better backup system for GPS than the minimum VOR network that is the plan. With modern electronics, cheap low-power ground stations could be placed at nearly every airport and virtually anyplace else too, as en route navads. I feel like the airborne equipment could be miniaturized and very cheap too, compared to what they used to be. Compared with VOR which requires a seemingly complex and expensive ground network. ADF for the win. They could probably put in a ground-based network of stations to look like a starlink satellite network but on the ground, for the price of one VOR station.
Sadly, nobody asked me.....
So, as much as I'd like to be able to "vote" ADF, a working strike finder does seem to offer a bit more utility