Stratus ESG compatability?


Pre-takeoff checklist
Mar 11, 2019
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I bought the Stratus transponder for ADSB mandate compliance, it was a few bucks cheaper than the Garmin. I'm now trying to find what it's compatible with, and I'm seeing that it basically won't talk to any avionics.

I have the wifi so I can use my iPad with the ESG AHRS and GPS... but is it true that it won't talk to anything else?
So do any of the new ADS-B transponders provide their GPS signal to an external box. Stratus does not, does the lynx 9000 or any others?
I thought it worked the other way. I thought there were transponders that could receive WAAS signals from a WAAS box. The Stratus has it’s own WAAS source. I hadn’t heard of a transponder that transmits out to anything except the Stratus, to which you can hook up their WiFi box to share the transponder’s antenna and power.
I believe you are correct. I only asked since I have a Stratus ready to install. But then the Dynon HDX system came available but it needs a WAAS source as well and I did not want to do the stratus if I would have to do the Dynon GPS as well. That seems like wasted money. Just trying to decide to cancel the stratus or go forward.
Another piece of information. I recently installed an ESG along with its included GPS antenna and, in planning for a possible future panel GPS navigator installationg (Garmin GPS 175 maybe?), wondered if I could use the now-existing GPS antenna to feed the 175, then use the ESG as an "ES" and feed it w/ the 175 GPS signal. I queried Appareo (one of the input pins... 6 maybe?.. looked like it might be able to receive the GPS input signal) and they were very helfpul and replied quickly. Unfortunately, the answer indicated that the only difference between the ESG and ES boxes were in the firmware, but that they didn't have FAA approval to switch the firmware from ESG to ES to permit that change in configuration once installed... something like that. So, the answer was no. The ES can accept a GPS input from certain (but not all) GPS navigators. The ESG can not, nor can its GPS signal be used by other boxes. The interface kits for the Stratus ADSb-IN boxes (2, 3, etc) can be used with them to get GPS and adsb-in info to EFB apps, but I use a homebuilt Stratux for that.
So the Stratus is a dead end solution but a cheaper one. I was OK with that and using it to drive my iPad mini until the Skyview HDX system was announced. That tossed the wrench into decision process.
I like mine, and am happy with the decision. For not a lot more money (esp after the rebate) compared to the absolute cheapest adsB solution (uAvionix SkyBeacon), you get 1090ES, pressure altitude and lat/long display, and a free new transponder. Installation compared to the uAvionix is more involved, but other than that there's no comparison, especially if you have a dated transponder now.
I use it for my iPad and it's great for that, but since it cannot feed traffic info to any panel mount GPS or avionics I'm a bit frustrated. I assumed it wouldn't work to interface with Garmin but I didn't realize it wouldn't provide data to ANYTHING.
I use it for my iPad and it's great for that, but since it cannot feed traffic info to any panel mount GPS or avionics I'm a bit frustrated. I assumed it wouldn't work to interface with Garmin but I didn't realize it wouldn't provide data to ANYTHING.

I think you, and others have done this too in other threads, are confusing products. The Stratus ESG/ES are panel-mount 1090ES adsb-out transponders, differing that the ESG has an integrated WAAS GPS receiver in it to provide the position fix, while the ES does not and gets its GPS data fed from other compatible GPS navigators. The company that makes them, Appareo, also sells adsb-in receivers called "Stratus" and then a number.. 1, 2, 2s, 3, et., i.e., the "Stratus 2s." Those are portable boxes (although there are interface kits that allow you to mount certain versions of them behind your panel and get power and antenna signals from your Stratus ES/ESG transponder if so equipped) that receive adsb-in data like traffic and weather and make that data available to a host of EFB apps and some compatible panel-mount equipment. The fact that the ADSB-out transponders (Stratus ES/ESG) and the ADSB-in portable boxes (Stratus 1, 2, 2s, 3) have similar names can get confusing. Based upon your quote, you're talking about one of the adsb-in boxes, not the transponder that the OP was asking about. I could be wrong.
I am the OP and I'm talking about my panel mount ESG.

The Stratus ESG has WAAS GPS and ADSB-IN but you cannot tap into it for any other avionics as is the case with the Garmin Transponders. I have the wifi module so I can use the information for my iPad, but I don't understand why even non-Garmin avionics won't talk to the Stratus.
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I got an ESG, the WAAS antenna, Stratus 3i and AHRS sensor in a package deal for cheap from a friend who had to replace it with a 345 to feed the 750 he was installing in his Mooney. It made the perfect solution for my dual VOR Glideslope Cessna for reasonable money. This system serves me well in the Cessna 140 that I use for giving sight seeing rides and short VFR trips. Gives me traffic, weather and AHRS on the IPad while satisfying the ADS-B mandate.

If you are trying to feed a 650, 430 or some such, go ahead and go to a 345 now while your ESG and accessories are in demand so that you can recover most of your money. There is a VFR pilot near you that will be tickled to death with that setup.

My $0.02,
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I am a VFR pilot, so the reality is it's fine for my application, I'm just shocked and disappointed that I have zero flexibility with the stratus if I wanted to change things up in the future.

It looks like I can't even use it for something as simple as an AV-20 to maintain GPS track so I wouldn't have to reset heading on it like a normal DG. That's what really set me off and prompted this thread.
I am the OP and I'm talking about my panel mount ESG.

The Stratus ESG has WAAS GPS and ADSB-IN but you cannot tap into it for any other avionics as is the case with the Garmin Transponders. I have the wifi module so I can use the information for my GPS, but I don't understand why even non-Garmin avionics won't talk to the Stratus.

Pardon me.. my fault. I didn't realize you had purchased and installed the full ESGi package which includes the Stratus 3i receiver, as I didn't see any mention of that in your earlier posts. Just to clarify, your ESG is not providing anything other than power and an antenna signal to your 3i receiver, and it is your 3i receiver (what I believe you are calling the "wifi module") that is sending gps and traffic data to your EFB apps. That 3i box is not just a wifi module, it IS the actual adsb-in receiver.
I am a VFR pilot, so the reality is it's fine for my application, I'm just shocked and disappointed that I have zero flexibility with the stratus if I wanted to change things up in the future.

It looks like I can't even use it for something as simple as an AV-20 to maintain GPS track so I wouldn't have to reset heading on it like a normal DG. That's what really set me off and prompted this thread.

The ESG was built to provide a very specific function... a cost-effective way for those of us w/out a certified WAAS position source to meet the adsb-out mandate without having to rely on the performance of an old, potentially failing transponder. The $500 premium for the WAAS GPS included in the ESG but not the ES is the cost of that ability. There are other devices, such as the Garmin GNX375, which would have covered all of your bases (I think)... ADSB out, in, transponder, and GPS navigator, but you're looking at close to $8000 plus installation. I REALLY wanted to go that route, but just didn't have the dough. You've got a good piece of equipment that does what it's intended to do very well.
Yes it’s too bad that the Stratus doesn’t provide the gps location on a serial out port that could be used by other boxes or not. They missed a good opportunity.The new Garmin boxes might work but Garmin does not seem to work with the Dynon panel.
The only out you get from a Stratus box is the WiFi signal from the portable antenna. It sends out a WiFi signal that can be picked up by any WiFi capable device, which does not include any panel mount avionics of my knowledge. I use an iPad with Foreflight to pick up the WiFi signal from the portable Stratus box, that’s how I get ADSB. There are probably other ways to pick it up, but I am insufficiently versed in this stuff to know what works.
I got an ESG, the WAAS antenna, Stratus 3i and AHRS sensor in a package deal for cheap from a friend who had to replace it with a 345...

Lot of that going around. I have 2 friends who tossed their ESG set-up for 345's after a year of use.
So do any of the new ADS-B transponders provide their GPS signal to an external box. Stratus does not, does the lynx 9000 or any others?

ADS-B units, to my knowledge, do not output their GPS position to other panel mount devices. (Some can share GPS position via wifi or bluetooth with portable devices.) Many transponders can accept GPS position from WAAS GPS units. ADS-B transponders are typically equipped to share traffic and weather information with other avionics if equipped with ADS-B in.

The NGT9000 can send traffic but not weather to a GNS430W. It can send both to an IFD GPS. The NGT9000 can send weather, traffic, and GPS position (if desired) to an external EFB through its wifi module.

Take care when choosing an ADS-B transponder to make sure it will work the way you want with your avionics. The nice thing about the NGT9000 is it has it's own screen, avoiding some of the compatibility issue.
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So why did they toss out the Stratus for Garmin?

The issue was ADS-B In data from Stratus integrated puck is not certified and cannot be displayed on certified panel devices.

Their original view was keep the old GPS and rely on the iPad for ADS-B data display. Events occurred and the GPS was upgraded and now wanted this data on the new GPS. ESG Stratus was a great idea 3 years ago, but other upgrades and new product solutions are much better money spent, if the future is considered. This was there advice and perspective living through their experience.

Seems like most people are installing GTX-345 or GNX-375 if someone wants ADS-B In data for certified devices.
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I am a VFR pilot, so the reality is it's fine for my application, I'm just shocked and disappointed that I have zero flexibility with the stratus if I wanted to change things up in the future.

It looks like I can't even use it for something as simple as an AV-20 to maintain GPS track so I wouldn't have to reset heading on it like a normal DG. That's what really set me off and prompted this thread.

From what I know about the AV20, it does not display heading.
So if I plan to use an Avidyne GPS navigator 440 or 540 down the road what will provide them ADS-B data if anything or is this a go Garmin or nothing decision.
So if I plan to use an Avidyne GPS navigator 440 or 540 down the road what will provide them ADS-B data if anything or is this a go Garmin or nothing decision.

The NGT9000 plays nice with the Avidyne units.
So does the Freeflight and the Avidyne Skytrax 100B.