I was flying into my home base from the SE on Saturday and the winds favored 35. I'm in a 182 and coming down, so I'm moving at a pretty good clip. I'm about 12 miles out when I hear an Arrow from a local flight school say he's 5 miles East, going to cross over mid-field and enter on the teardrop. I thought about it and figured the best way for me to enter was to do a straight in so there would be no conflict. About the time I was on a 5 mile straight in, he was passing over mid-field. I was on a 1 mile final by the time he said he was on a 45. I made the first turn off as he was calling downwind. Then he said he was doing a 360 for spacing. Since there was nobody else in the area on the radio, I asked him if I caused him to do a 360. He said no, not really, he was just having his student do short approaches and wanted him to have more time to think about it.
In this case, I think my straight-in approach was justified, simple, and maybe even the safest way to avoid the other traffic.