Stop Forwarding that Crap to ME!


Is that new-ish or has that song been out for a while?
I'm sorry, but I don't see the humor. People should be thankful that email even exists at all - and should be grateful for anything they receive at all. When I was growing up all we had for sending the same stuff to others was a manual typewriter, some scraps of blank paper, and used carbon paper. Kids today have no clue.

I'm sorry, but I don't see the humor. People should be thankful that email even exists at all - and should be grateful for anything they receive at all. When I was growing up all we had for sending the same stuff to others was a manual typewriter, some scraps of blank paper, and used carbon paper. Kids today have no clue.

We didn't even have electric typewriters in our HS typing class. I remember life before cellphones...:eek::nonod::nonod: That was not good for me. Luckily Cell Phones and I became acquainted in the bag phone days when I moved on my boat in San Diego. Beau-coup bucks back then. 35 cents a minute on your limited network, but mine covered all of coastal California and the Channel Islands (actually working off mainland towers). Without modern communications my life would not be possible.

BTW, Marty Felman was still working with 2 of those guys on Yellowbeard the day he died.
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