Still some good out there


Touchdown! Greaser!
Aug 18, 2011
My wife is 12 hours into her PPL license and sneaking up on solo. She went to get her medical today, even though we live in a medium sized city the closest AME is an hours drive away and one of only two you can reasonably get to.

I guess he came out of his office, introduced her to the Delta pilot that was there to get his medical, they chatted for a bit. The good doc sat down in the waiting area with her and talked to her, told her about his 172 that he didn't fly anymore but his son did. He was 82 years old.

Did the medical and asked her "Do you want to pay". She thought he meant "Do you want me to bill you or pay now?" No... He meant.. "Do wish to pay me at all?" I guess he's a retired guy, only does medicals on Tuesdays and donates every cent to charity.
Awesome story. I had the best AME both at my medical and when I called him later with a question about taking a sedative at the dentist. He is retired and his wife was in the kitchen baking cookies for us while typing up my medical right then and there ON A TYPEWRITER. However he is not a pilot.
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