Steeley Dan Co-Founder Dead

We should all dress like these guys and have a PoA meetup.
What makes you think some of us don't? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Yea I imagine you as the guy front and center or maybe that funky guy with yellow sweater type thing on, then Tim Beck is that guitarist with the sunglasses on and DenverPilot is the real mellow guitarist with the purple. Oh and skydog is that funky looking guy in the back on the keyboard...great voice though.
Yea I imagine you as the guy front and center or maybe that funky guy with yellow sweater type thing on, then Tim Beck is that guitarist with the sunglasses on and DenverPilot is the real mellow guitarist with the purple. Oh and skydog is that funky looking guy in the back on the keyboard...great voice though.

So you're saying I'm the dead guy? ;) Sheesh. I'm not dead yet. I don't want to go on the cart!
Purple pants guy is Uncle Walt. (no, not really but we share the same last name) and "glasses, not sunglasses guy" is Jeff Baxter who also played with the Doobie Brothers before working as a consultant for the government on missile defense programs.
What makes you think some of us don't? :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Yea I imagine you as the guy front and center or maybe that funky guy with yellow sweater type thing on, then Tim Beck is that guitarist with the sunglasses on and DenverPilot is the real mellow guitarist with the purple. Oh and skydog is that funky looking guy in the back on the keyboard...great voice though.

I'd like for all of you to know that I have never dressed that way

In the last 35 years.
I'd like for all of you to know that I have never dressed that way

In the last 35 years.

Big bummer. Loved there music. Even when all the cool kids were turning to KISS.
Bummer. Royal Scam is my favorite album, although they are all pretty much fantastic.
I figure since I'm almost 60 that most of the members of bands that I was ever really into are all in their early 60s to 80. It's just a matter of time. The bad thing is that all of the hot rocker chicks of my youth are no longer so hot.
The angle of the dangle is proportional to the looks of the Bangle? Nah - that's not how they taught it at my school. Of course I was an Econ major so what would I know about science.
I figure since I'm almost 60 that most of the members of bands that I was ever really into are all in their early 60s to 80. It's just a matter of time. The bad thing is that all of the hot rocker chicks of my youth are no longer so hot.

Yeah, those cute little butterfly tattoos on the breast now look like pterodactyls....